Total recall 6000 years (3)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: October 12, 2023

De novo birth of functional microproteins in the human lineage 12/20/22 cites TranslatorX: multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences guided by amino acid translations 4/30/10.

Taken together, the biophysically constrained fixation of amino acids in microtubules links the ATP-dependent Creation of RNA to prevention of all virus-driven pathology via the physiology of reproduction and Vibrations in Microtubules (1997) at the origin of life ~6000 years ago.

No experimental evidence of top-down causation extends facts about light-activated peptide synthesis at the origin of life (4/25/20) on Earth to more than ~6000 years ago. The claims of theorists are required, and intelligent serious scientists do not believe claims that have not been supported by experimental evidence. See: A Fight for the Soul of Science 12/16/15 The photo of George FR Ellis that accompanies the article is his response to the ongoing fight. (It’s a face-palm, an expression of annoyed disbelief.)

For something even more annoying, follow this link to: “A paper published in Nature presents a new theoretical framework – assembly theory – that bridges physics and biology to provide a unified approach for understanding how complexity and evolution emerge in nature.” 10/11/23

The theory that complexity and evolution automagically emerge is featured often in the mass media because it helps to confuse people. See also:

Nutrient-dependent amino acids are “…the building blocks of life.”

See also Ellis, GFR 17 results, which include How purposeless physics underlies purposeful life. 10/4/23. Ellis notes that no experimental evidence of Top-down causation and quantum physics 10/23/18 is linked to the moronic theories of 2023 Nobel Laureates whose finding led to the development of synthetic mRNA vaccines, based on their nonsense about the evolutionary origin of RNA.

See: Suppression of RNA Recognition by Toll-like Receptors: The Impact of Nucleoside Modification and the Evolutionary Origin of RNA 2005 and mRNA discovery that paved way for COVID-19 vaccines wins Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 10/2/23

The articles fail to link biophysically constrained RNA interference (RNAi) to ~6000 years of ecological adaptations via the 2002 “Science Breakthrough of the Year.” It substitutes COVID-19 vaccines, its Breakthrough of the Year in 2020.

To compare what is known about RNAi and protection from virus-driven damage of DNA to the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on messenger RNA, which prevents DNA damage repair, intelligent people may need to link the C. elegans model organism of nutrient-dependent pheromone-regulated ecological adaptations to the claims of George FR Ellis, and become more vocal. Silence will not help to avoid more unnecessary suffering and premature deaths that continues to be attributed to injections with synthetic mRNA.

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