The bioweapons cartel (6)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: April 23, 2024

Neuronal cell cycle reentry events in the aging brain are more prevalent in neurodegeneration and lead to cellular senescence 4/23/24

“Taken together, the results of this study illustrated a robust bioinformatics strategy that allows thorough investigation of the molecular profiles of cell cycle re-engaging neurons. The findings here demonstrated that cellular senescence is likely the immediate cell fate of these neurons, which also offered valuable insights into the molecular heterogeneities that could exist among these cells manifested in healthy and disease-affected brain microenvironments. While experimental validations of these findings in relevant human samples will be conducted in the future, the applicability of this analytical approach in different diseases and cross-species settings offers new opportunities and insights to supplement mainstay histological-based approaches in studying the roles of these cells in brain aging and disease pathogenesis. The data that illustrate disease-specific molecular signatures and the new marker genes detected in senescent neurons may also lead to new directions for future diagnosis and development of senotherapeutic strategies.”

In 2012, I learned that light-activated miRNA biogenesis was linked to prevention of the degradation of mRNA and all virus-driven pathology. The answer to my question at the SFN annual meeting in New Orleans about this was, “Yes” that’s what we learned during the past 10 years.

The learning required use of model organisms to combat the moronic theories touted by pseudoscientists. See:

1) The C. elegans hunchback Homolog, hbl-1, Controls Temporal Patterning and Is a Probable MicroRNA Target (2003)

2) Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans 2/19/98 and

3) Combating Evolution to Fight Disease3/7/14

RNA interference has since been linked to every aspect of biophysically constrained miRNA-mediated protein folding chemistry across kingdoms. For examples, see: mirnas 170,769 results and NOVA scienceNOW : 8 – RNAi (RNAi and the purple petunia) (7/24/12)

Insights into microRNA regulation of flower coloration in a lily cultivar Vivian petal 4/24/23

“…we predicted the binding site of LvMYB5, the target gene of miR828, and speculated that miR828 targets regulate LvMYB5 transcriptional translation through a cleavage site, which then inhibits anthocyanin synthesis. Our findings contribute to an understanding of the functional characterization of miRNAs and their targets in controlling anthocyanin production in plants and may lead to future identification and characterization of miRNAs in lilies.”

The predictions can be compared to the lack of common sense that led to the death of Robin Williams. See: Celebrity Robin Williams Death Due to Virus-Driven Energy Theft (5/10/17)

“The death of comedian and actor Robin Williams left many people wondering if such a tragedy could have been prevented. Williams’ was initially misdiagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Following his suicide, doctors said he had suffered from Lewy Body Disease. In this exclusive interview, medical laboratory scientist and author James V. Kohl explains how virus-driven pathology caused Williams’ death, and prevention. “Viruses steal the energy that cells need to repair damaged DNA. This is one of many tragic examples of that fact,” says Mr. Kohl. Virus-driven energy theft causes all pathology in all species, according to Mr. Kohl.”

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