Energy-as-information & the aurora borealis (5)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: May 27, 2024

mirnas 172,000 results

See: McEwen et al., (1964) Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

“The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.”

Update: 170,001 MicroRNA 29 modulates β-cell mitochondrial metabolism and insulin secretion via underlying miR-29-OXPHOS complex pathways 5/27/24

“We conclude miR-29 is a key miRNA in regulating β-cell mitochondrial metabolism and insulin secretion via underlying miR-29-OXPHOS complex pathways. Furthermore, we infer reduced miR-29 expression compensatorily enhances insulin secretion under glucotoxicity.”

The virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA (mRNA) links glucotoxicity to all virus-driven pathology. Light-activated miRNA biogenesis links links electron spin from energy-as-information to the ATP-dependent Creation of RNA and prevention of all pH-dependent disease processes via biophysically constrained peptide synthesis.

See: Footprints of a Singular 22-Nucleotide RNA Ring at the Origin of Life 4/25/20 “We propose a model revisiting the architecture of RNA-peptide interactions at the origin of life…” The discovery and potential of RNA interference 7/23/12 and What is life when it is not protected from virus driven entropy 3/30/16

“The anti-entropic force of virucidal ultraviolet light links guanine–cytosine (G⋅C) Watson–Crick base pairing from hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to supercoiled DNA, which protects the organized genomes of all living genera from virus-driven entropy. For example, protection of DNA from permanent UV damage occurs in the context of photosynthesis and nutrient-dependent RNA-directed DNA methylation, which links RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions to DNA repair. In the context of thermodynamic cycles of protein biosynthesis and degradation, DNA repair enables the de novo creation of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Olfactory receptor genes are GPCRs. The de novo creation of olfactory receptor genes links chemotaxis and phototaxis from foraging behavior to social behavior in species from microbes to humans. Foraging behavior links ecological variation to ecological adaptation in the context of this atoms to ecosystems model of biophysically constrained energy-dependent RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry. Protein folding chemistry links nutrient-dependent microRNAs from microRNA flanking sequences to energy transfer and cell type differentiation in the context of adhesion proteins, and supercoiled DNA that protects all organized genomes from virus-driven entropy.”

Update: 172,002 IDMIR: identification of dysregulated miRNAs associated with disease based on a miRNA–miRNA interaction network constructed through gene expression data 5/27/24

“…no studies adequately consider miRNA–miRNA interactions (MMIs) when analyzing the miRNA-disease associations.”

That is a lie. See: Visualizing a protonated RNA state that modulates microRNA-21 maturation 10/26/20 linked RNA interference (RNAi) to prevention of miRNA-disease associations in NOVA scienceNOW : 8 – RNAi (2012) via the 2002 Science Breakthrough of the Year.

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