The woke mind virus (5)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: July 30, 2024

See: CAEM-GBDT: a cancer subtype identifying method using multi-omics data and convolutional autoencoder network 7/14/24, indexed 7/30/24

It links God’s input at the origin of life from His energy-dependent RNA-mediated Creation of stem cells to biophysical constraints on all virus-driven pathology via the physiology of reproduction, gene expression data, miRNA expression data, and DNA methylation data as input. It adopts facts from a convolutional autoencoder network to identify cancer subtypes.

The birth mother of Kamala Harris was a cancer researcher who failed to do this, and died of cancer. Her unnecessary suffering and premature death probably could have been prevented or effectively treated by what my group reported about energy-dependent RNA-mediated pathology and DNA methylation in 1996, and recent reports of miRNA-mediated Next Generation Sequencing. See: mirnas and next generation sequencing

See: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior

Molecular epigenetics. It is now understood that certain genes undergo a process called “genomic or parental imprinting.” Early in embryonic development attached methyl groups become removed from most genes. Several days later, methyl groups are reattached in appropriate sites. Fascinatingly, some such genes reestablish methylation patterns based upon whether the chromosomal segment carrying the gene came from maternal or paternal chromosomes.”

We failed to report this in the context of an “autoencoder network” because our claims were linked to God’s ATP-dependent Creation of RNA at the origin of life by all intelligent serious scientists.

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