Model Organisms

RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics (4)

Femtosecond structural dynamics drives the trans/cis isomerization in photoactive yellow protein 5/6/16 Summary excerpt: Visualizing a response to light Many biological processes depend on detecting and responding to light. The response is often mediated by a structural change in a protein that begins when absorption of a photon causes isomerization of a chromophore bound to RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics (4)

RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics (3)

Microtargeting cancer metabolism: opening new therapeutic windows based on lipid metabolism reported as: Using microRNAs to target cancer cells By Dawn Hayward Conclusion:  MicroRNAs stand out from conventional gene-therapy-based approaches and have a niche in lipid metabolism. They can be designed specifically to target a gene and serve as modulators rather than on/off switches. Increased RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics (3)

RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics (2)

9/16/15 This is an excellent introduction to speculation about how quantum mechanics might be linked from physics and chemistry to the conserved molecular mechanisms of epigenetically-effected biologically-based RNA-mediated cause and effect, which all serious scientists already know must link angstroms to ecosystems via the innate immune system, the physiology of reproduction, and supercoiled DNA. The RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics (2)

RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics

RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics Genetics and Genomics May 11-12, 2016 Published on 3 May 2016  See the full size poster displayed on Abstract: Olfaction and the innate immune system link energy as information from the epigenetic landscape to the physical landscape of supercoiled DNA. The sun’s biological energy is the source of RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics

Wasted Templeton Funding (4)

Does the “Extended Synthesis” Replace or Not Replace Neo-Darwinism? — What Has Templeton Funded? Excerpt: Gerd Müller and Kevin Laland are both part of the Templeton-funded ES project. But while Müller is adamant that ES replaces neo-Darwinism, Laland is firm that ES does not replace neo-Darwinism. My comment:  Templeton is funding another attempt to place everything Wasted Templeton Funding (4)

MicroRNAs and/or QTLs: Who buried what?

Making precision medicine a reality: Genomics researchers unveil road map to disease origin Excerpt: This study highlights the significance of mechanistic similarities for uncovering additional interacting downstream effectors of intergenic SNPs… My comment: Use of the term QTL may limit the understanding of how energy-dependent cell type differentiation occurs and how virus-driven energy theft is MicroRNAs and/or QTLs: Who buried what?

Wasted Templeton Funding (3)

See also: Wasted Templeton Funding (2) Templeton grant funds evolution rethink Excerpt: …parents can influence offspring not just through their DNA but by passing on the microorganisms they host or by transmitting epigenetic marks to subsequent generations. “Innovation may be a developmental response that becomes stabilized through genetic changes,” explains Armin Moczek, an evolutionary developmental Wasted Templeton Funding (3)

Wasted Templeton Funding (2)

See also: Wasted Templeton Funding (1) Templeton grant funds evolution rethink Excerpt: The extended evolutionary synthesis is a term coined in 2007 to imply that the preeminent current evolutionary theory, the so-called modern synthesis, needed to broaden its focus because it concentrated too much on the role of genes in evolution and lacked adequate incorporation Wasted Templeton Funding (2)

Wasted Templeton Funding (1)

The Randomness Project “…the structure of the program is designed to foster collaboration and build community between scholars, with the end of expanding the range and integration of their work:” My comment: The project and program failed to include any accurate representations of what is known about how RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions link ecological variation Wasted Templeton Funding (1)