The overwhelming ignorance of sex researchers

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 8, 2017

Summary: J. Michael Bailey, and others like him, pretend to not know how non-coding variants are epigenetically linked from differences in hydrogen bonds to all energy-dependent biophysically constrained morphological and behavioral phenotypes.

Genome-Wide Association Study of Male Sexual Orientation [Energy-dependent changes in biophysically constrained viral latency]

We identified several [energy-dependent changes in] SNPs with p < 10−5, including regions of multiple supporting SNPs on chromosomes 13 (minimum p = 7.5 × 10−7) and 14 (p = 4.7 × 10−7). The genes nearest to these peaks have functions plausibly relevant to [biophysically constrained viral latency and] the development of  sexual orientation.

Reported as: Gene variants identified that may influence sexual orientation in men and boys

The findings by the team do not settle the argument of whether homosexuality in people is biology-based, but instead offers more evidence that suggests it is likely the case. Prior studies that looked at family histories have also offered some evidence of biology playing a role while other studies have found some differences in chromosomes. In this study, the number of samples tested was too small to offer conclusive evidence—larger studies will have to be undertaken to solidify the evidence.

I was not surprised to see J. Michael Bailey listed as a co-author. He is a biologically uninformed pseudoscientist and a passive/aggressive antagonist.

It’s been more than 4 years since food energy-dependent changes in hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution were linked to biophysically constrained viral latency and all biodiversity via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in all living genera.

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Sex researchers like J. Michael Bailey, are still among the majority of those who have paid no attention to the extant literature since the time we published this 1996 review in Hormones and Behavior (with a section on molecular epigenetics.)

From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior

Parenthetically it is interesting to note even the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a gene-based equivalent of sexual orientation (i.e., a-factor and alpha-factor physiologies). These differences arise from different epigenetic modifications of an otherwise identical MAT locus (Runge and Zakian, 1996; Wu and Haber, 1995).

All serious scientists know that everyone else must also start with differences in the quantized energy of hydrogen to get from epigenetic modifications to differences in morphological and behavioral phenotypes. Serious scientists also know that social science is pseudoscience and that pseudoscientific nonsense is the cause of all preventable unnecessary suffering and premature death.

See for instance:

1) Epistasis Among Adaptive Mutations in Deer Mouse Hemoglobin
2) Mutation-Driven Evolution
and my refutation of neo-Darwinian pseudoscientific nonsense. All three were published on June 14, 2013.
3) Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model
Please join the other serious scientists who have been quietly ridiculing people like J. Michael Bailey for more than 20 years.

QuEBS workshop has established itself as an outstanding stage to present the research in the intersection of physics, chemistry and biology. This field has been developed in Lithuania for more than 20 years already. The beginnings could be associated with a series of “Light-harvesting Physics” international conferences, which were held in Lithuania (in Preila, 1992 and 1994, and in Birštonas, 1996). During these conferences, discussion of notable scientists and pioneers of Quantum Biology, such as Graham R. Fleming, Shaul Mukamel, Rienk van Grondelle, Richard Cogdell, Alfred Holzwarth and others, established excitons in biology as the “must-talk-language” when describing the quantum effects in biological light-harvesting systems.

Light harvesting is the source of energy-dependent changes in hydrogen that link physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics to accurate representations of RNA-mediated cell type differentiation. All aspects of energy-dependent RNA-mediated cell type differentiation have been virtually ignored by J. Michael Bailey, who is the proud owner of the Sexnet listserver. It has been a consistent source of misinformation for all participants during the past two decades.
See for comparison my comments on: Evolution of a Vertebrate Social Decision-Making Network

Re: Cause and effect. How could it not be the adaptive evolution from yeasts of the ligand-receptor binding exemplified across species by the conservaton of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and diversification of its receptor? Model organisms like the threespine stickleback make clear the involvement of ecological niche construction. The honeybee invertebrate model organism makes clear the involvement of the nutrient dependent ecological niche in construction of the pheromone-dependent social niche. Invertebrate and vertebrate models collectively attest to the common molecular biology of adaptively evolved social decision-making networks. In mammals, the hypothalamic neurogenenic niche (probably located in the MPOA) responds to nutrients to enable fertility and responds to pheromones to enable sexual reproduction that has adaptively evolved from its origins in brewer’s yeast. Never before has there been such a clear reprentation of cause and effect across species from microbes to man, where nutrient chemicals calibrate the intracellular signaling and their metabolism to pheromones standardizes and controls the stochastic gene expression required for reproduction. Gene expression enables adaptive evolution of the brain and ensures that our ability to acquire nutrient chemicals is the first priority for reproduction via appropriate social behaviors, as it is in every species. For example, microbes eat the DNA of heterospecifics but not conspecifics, which indicate more social sense than what some people today are capable of recognizing in the design of biology (the evolved gene, cell, tissue, organ, organ system pathway that directly links sensory input to the mammalian neuroendocrine system and the hormones responsible for our behavior, which activates the same ‘organized’ pathway).

Re: The Intersection of Neurotoxicology and Endocrine Disruption. NeuroToxicology, Bernard Weiss

Abstract excerpts: …hormones help steer the process of brain development.

…sex differences in behavior are primarily the outcomes of differences in how the brain is sexually differentiated during early development by gonadal hormones (the Organizational Hypothesis).

… environmental chemicals are capable of altering these underlying events and processes. Among those chemicals, the group labeled as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) offers the clearest evidence of such selectivity… —————– I have terminally argued to conclusion that the clearest evidence of chemicals that alter the underlying events and processes of brain development and its sexual differentiation are the nutrient chemicals and pheromones responsible for the adaptive evolution of species from microbes to man.

Focus on endocrine disruption establishes what happens when toxic chemicals alter the same events and processes of brain development and its sexual differentiation via epigenetic effects on gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) pulsatility, luteinizing hormone, olfactory bulb neurogenesis, hippocampal neurogenesis, learning, and memory in vertebrates.

For contrast, I’ve modeled the epigenetic effects of food odors and pheromones on homeostasis and species diversification, and for many years, my friend Teresa Binstock and co-author (e.g., with Milton Diamond)stressed the importance of endocrine disruption (specifically due to bisphenol A and phthalates) on J. Michael Bailey’s “Sexnet”. Now that the basic principles of biology and levels of biological organization, which link sensory input from the environment directly to behavior via intracellular signaling and stochastic gene expression, have been clarified by work with model organisms, I look forward to learning if there are any reasons to avoid the incorporation of current information on endocrine disruption into existing studies of the homeostatic development of human sexual behavior.

Comparing typical and atypical epigenetic effects that appear to extend to those that are transgenerational seems even more important now than in 1996.

Kohl, J.V. (2012) Human pheromones and food odors: epigenetic influences on the socioaffective nature of evolved behaviors. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, 2: 17338

See also: Open Chromatin Profiling in hiPSC-Derived Neurons Prioritizes Functional Noncoding Psychiatric Risk Variants and Highlights Neurodevelopmental Loci

Our study shows that noncoding disease variants in OCRs can affect neurodevelopment, and that analysis of open chromatin regions can help prioritize functionally relevant noncoding variants identified by GWAS.

After Alan R. Sanders and others published this, the claims in Genome-Wide Association Study of Male Sexual Orientation can be viewed in the context of two decades of false claims and pleas for more funding.


In this study, the number of samples tested was too small to offer conclusive evidence—larger studies will have to be undertaken to solidify the evidence.

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[…] The overwhelming ignorance of sex researchers (December 8, […]

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