Search Results for: RNA editing

microRNA-mediated replication timing (1)

The phylogenetic utility and functional constraint of microRNA flanking sequences links the patent for naturally occurring light-activated carbon fixation to viral latency and healthy longevity across kingdoms. The patent: RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering was linked from functional constraints to gain-of-function research in High-Quality Overlapping Paired-End Reads for the Detection of A-to-I Editing on Small RNA WHO microRNA-mediated replication timing (1)

Abiogenesis vs microRNA Biogenesis (1)

Retroviruses, such as human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) cause one gene to influence two or more seemingly unrelated morphological and/or behavioral phenotypic traits. The HERVs are biophysically constrained by naturally occurring food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled feedback loops, which all serious scientists have linked from Darwin’s “conditions of life” to all biodiversity across kingdoms via transgenerational epigenetic inheritance Abiogenesis vs microRNA Biogenesis (1)

Constraints on microRNAs: Buried in patents

Theme: MicroRNAs are the pre-mRNAs from the past. That fact has since been buried in the patent on RNA-interference (aka RNA-guided human genome engineering). Pheromones constrain gene regulation and systems complexity [Pheromonal regulation of genetic processes: research on the house mouse (Mus musculus L.)] 8/1/1994 …results obtained during last 10-15 years are discussed. The adaptive Constraints on microRNAs: Buried in patents

From to (3)

Summary: John Hewitt links de Vries definition of mutation (i.e., sudden energy jumps) to all biodiversity.  I claim that food energy is required to biophysically constrain the virus-driven degradati0n of messenger RNA. Only if, in theory, food energy emerges from the void as did the energy from the “Big Bang,” can a “deuterium switch” automagically From to (3)

The microRNA-mediated brain-microbiome axis

Summary: TwitterBot for eQTL papers from PubMed, arXiv, bioRxiv, and PeerJ PrePrints (145 followers) and  Twitterbot for microRNA papers from PubMed, arXiv, bioRxiv, and PeerJ (1056 followers) No one who follows the research reports about biophysically constrained viral latency on microRNA papers is likely to look at the eQTL papers. The eQTL papers consistently fail to The microRNA-mediated brain-microbiome axis

RNA Velocity (revisited) 3

Summary: Credit where it’s due: remembering Rosalind Franklin The print edition attributes the authorship of this article to John Brunstein. That may help others to place it into the context of what is known to all serious scientists about the links from particle physics to energy-dependent autophagy and biophysically constrained viral latency. Molecular analysis of RNA Velocity (revisited) 3

MicroRNA biogenesis vs Abiogenesis (1)

See first: MicroRNA-constrained human endogenous retroviruses vs pathology Yesterday was RNA Day See also:  Expanding the horizons of microRNA bioinformatics  “…over 500 microRNAs… and over 2400 experimentally validated microRNA:target interactions… can be used to create microRNA-focused interaction networks with a biological context using the known biological role of microRNAs and the mRNAs they regulate, enabling MicroRNA biogenesis vs Abiogenesis (1)