Schrodinger’s answer to Schrodinger’s question

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: November 21, 2017

There is no such thing as de novo control of electrons or self-assembly.

Answering Schrödinger’s question: A free-energy formulation

The free-energy principle (FEP) is a formal model of neuronal processes that is widely recognised in neuroscience as a unifying theory of the brain and biobehaviour. More recently, however, it has been extended beyond the brain to explain the dynamics of living systems, and their unique capacity to avoid decay.

They don’t understand the question that Schrodinger answered. He linked the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight to the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction via what organisms eat. What they eat protects them from the virus-driven degradation of their messenger RNA. What they eat links food energy-dependent changes in base pairs from microRNA editing to RNA editing and fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions in organized genomes of all individuals of all living genera.

Schrodinger answered this question: What is life when it is not protected from virus driven entropy? (video 6:37) Published on 30 Mar 2016


The anti-entropic force of virucidal ultraviolet light links guanine–cytosine (G⋅C) Watson–Crick base pairing from hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to supercoiled DNA, which protects the organized genomes of all living genera from virus-driven entropy. For example, protection of DNA from permanent UV damage occurs in the context of photosynthesis and nutrient-dependent RNA-directed DNA methylation, which links RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions to DNA repair. In the context of thermodynamic cycles of protein biosynthesis and degradation, DNA repair enables the de novo creation of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Olfactory receptor genes are GPCRs. The de novo creation of olfactory receptor genes links chemotaxis and phototaxis from foraging behavior to social behavior in species from microbes to humans. Foraging behavior links ecological variation to ecological adaptation in the context of this atoms to ecosystems model of biophysically constrained energy-dependent RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry. Protein folding chemistry links nutrient-dependent microRNAs from microRNA flanking sequences to energy transfer and cell type differentiation in the context of adhesion proteins, and supercoiled DNA that protects all organized genomes from virus-driven entropy.

Life that is not protected from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA links the reduced number of food energy-dependent microRNAs to activation of the death gene. See for example:

Reduced expression of brain-enriched microRNAs in glioblastomas permits targeted regulation of a cell death gene 

The natural contribution of food energy is linked to the endogenous level of microRNA expression seen in neuronal cells in the context of limited cell death compared control glioblastoma cells. That fact was linked to the treatment of brain cancers.

For a review of how food energy-dependent microRNAs protect the organized genomes of all living genera from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA that links mutations to all pathology, see:

A Concise Review of MicroRNA Exploring the Insights of MicroRNA Regulations in Bacterial, Viral and Metabolic Diseases

For a example of how human idiocy has prevented the effective treatment of all pathology, see also:

Neuropathological and transcriptomic characteristics of the aged brain

Reported as: Researchers reveal new details on aged brain, Alzheimer’s and dementia

One factor that is not always taken into account when studying gene expression in the aged brain is the quality of the genetic material itself,” says Miller. “This variable is not necessarily related to any specific pathology or disease, but these results highlight the importance of properly controlling for RNA quality when studying the aged brain and indicate that degradation of genetic material may be an underappreciated feature of neurodegeneration or dementia.

 Re: degradation of genetic material may be an underappreciated feature of neurodegeneration or dementia.

See: Cytosis

A board game taking place inside a human cell! Players compete to build enzymes, hormones and receptors and fend off attacking Viruses!

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[…] my attempt to deliver that message in: There is no such thing as de novo control of electrons or the self-assembly of genes. […]

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