
RNA-mediated cell type differentiation and behavior

Neuroscience Meeting Planner Now Available The Preliminary Program and Neuroscience Meeting Planner for Neuroscience 2014 are available. At the 2012 Meeting I learned that the microRNA/messenger RNA balance had emerged during the past decade to be the most likely regulator of all downstream effects on cell type differentiation. That inspired me to focus on what RNA-mediated cell type differentiation and behavior

Human Pheromones: theory vs models

the prenatal migration of GnRH neurosecretory neurons allow human pheromones to effect GnRH pulsatility, which modulates the concurrent maturation of the neuroendocrine, reproductive, and central nervous systems, thus influencing the development of human reproductive sexual behavior and other behavior.

Genes not culture drive humans forward (an antithetical approach)

Epigenetic influences of nutrition and socialization on intracellular signalling pathways link epigenetic cause directly to gene activation and stochastic gene expression are required for genetically predisposed phenotypic changes in the body and behavior of organisms from microbes to man.