
Sex differences: Liberals vs Conservatives (1)

See first: The tipping point (revisited): 91K (1) Conclusion: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model 6/14/13 …the epigenetic ‘tweaking’ of the immense gene networks that occurs via exposure to nutrient chemicals and pheromones can now be modeled in the context of the microRNA/messenger RNA balance, receptor-mediated intracellular signaling, and the stochastic gene expression required for nutrient-dependent Sex differences: Liberals vs Conservatives (1)

MicroRNA biogenesis protects us from HERVs (3)

endogenous: Biology growing or originating from within an organism. “endogenous gene sequences” Psychiatry (of a disease or symptom) not attributable to any external or environmental factor. “endogenous depression” Light-activated microRNA biogenesis links the creation of endogenous substrates, e.g.,  “endogenous gene sequences” in all cell types of all living genera to protection from endogenous retroviruses via MicroRNA biogenesis protects us from HERVs (3)

Estranged ‘White Coat Notes’ blogger exposes human idiocy (1)

The Future of Chemistry

Excerpt: Please pardon the overwhelming ignorance of those who failed to link what organisms eat from the quantized energy-dependent creation of microRNAs to healthy longevity via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction and the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of all morphological and behavioral phenotypes in species from microbes to humans. The ignorance of biologically uninformed theorists has Estranged ‘White Coat Notes’ blogger exposes human idiocy (1)

The eternal significance of microRNAs (7)

Sales of human pheromone-enhanced fragrance products have been virtually eliminated by the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by neo-Darwinian theorists and Big Bang cosmologists. I may revisit their ridiculous claims at and, but prefer to continue moving forward via my other domains: and Summary: 2018 Update: Sympatric speciation has been linked to species The eternal significance of microRNAs (7)

Ecological adaptations vs the randomness of evolution (3)

Summary: Fifty years later, only theorists and other pseudoscientists have failed to recognize the facts that link experimental evidence of differences in the energy of photons to the proton motive force, which links the potential of hydrogen (pH) to biophysically constrained viral latency and all biodiversity on Earth. In that context, Carl Zimmer serves as Ecological adaptations vs the randomness of evolution (3)

Less evolvable RNA-mediated ecological adaptations

No experimental evidence of biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation supports the claim about “…the evolutionary plasticity of the regulatory regions involved in transcriptional regulation…” The overwhelming systems complexity of energy-dependent RNA-mediated cause and effect can no longer be placed into the context of the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by theorists. Watch Andrea Wagner’s group try Less evolvable RNA-mediated ecological adaptations

Losers: Rediscovering an epigenetic key (2)

For God and Country

Genome-wide meta-analysis associates HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA and lifestyle factors with human longevity “Validation of associations reported elsewhere,” includes the detailed associations from 1996 in the molecular epigenetics section of: From fertilization to adult sexual behavior  and in my 2013 refutation of neo-Darwinian theories: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model  (Val370Ala is also known as rs3827760, also Losers: Rediscovering an epigenetic key (2)

Evolution outside the context of “the light of evolution” (2)

See first: Evolution outside the context of “the light of evolution” How many proponents of Intelligent Design never learned that Darwinian evolution was based on his “conditions of life?” ch 4 IV. Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest  “IF under changing conditions of life…” ch 5 “…the greater variability of species having Evolution outside the context of “the light of evolution” (2)