alternative RNA splicings

Energy-dependent oscillating gene networks organize life

Nascent, innate, intrinsic, and biofunctional are among the “weasel words” used by theorists who ignore the fact that all life-sustaining energy comes from the sun via hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution. See how Jon Lieff continues to misrepresent that fact, by placing everything known about RNA-mediated cell type differentiation back into the Energy-dependent oscillating gene networks organize life

DNA repair via junk DNA (2)

See also: DNA repair via junk DNA (1) Recently Evolved Genes Identified From Drosophila yakuba and D. erecta Accessory Gland Expressed Sequence Tags (2006) Reported in Singer (2015) as: In 2006, Begun found some of the first evidence that genes could indeed pop into existence from noncoding DNA. Singer’s claim that genes automagically pop into DNA repair via junk DNA (2)