Alternative Splicing in Cancer

MicroRNA-mediated existential threats (4)

See first:  MicroRNA-mediated existential threats (3) On 4/19/22 I posed this question on Twitter. Why do people believe stupid theories about the evolution of amino acid composition in proteins, which requires them to ignore everything known to intelligent serious scientists about how SARS-CoV-2 synthetic mRNA vaccinations altered biophysically constrained viral endemicity? 4/19/22 How can it MicroRNA-mediated existential threats (4)

1996-2016: Ignoring alternative splicings of pre-mRNA

Range of diseases may result when brain self-regulation goes awry, researchers say There is no such thing as self-regulation of the brain. Regulation is food energy-dependent and biophysically constrained by changes in the microRNA/messenger RNA balance. The entire range of diseases is linked from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to the mutations that some 1996-2016: Ignoring alternative splicings of pre-mRNA