antigenic changes

The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls (2)

Summary: Cell fate conversion is food energy-dependent and pheromone-controlled in the context of the physiology of reproduction and autophagy, which links biophysically constrained viral latency to the differences in C. elegans and P. pacificus, a predatory nematode with teeth. Application of RNAi and Heat-shock-induced Transcription Factor Expression to Reprogram Germ Cells to Neurons in C. elegans 1/01/2018 The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls (2)

Host-derived creation of all pathology (1 of 2)

Hunter-gatherers’ seasonal gut-microbe diversity loss echoes our permanent one For more than 15 million years, human beings have co-evolved with thousands of microbial species… Nothing known to serious scientists support ridiculous claims about 15 million years. See for comparison: Natural Selection on the Olfactory Receptor Gene Family in Humans and Chimpanzees See also: Nothing in Host-derived creation of all pathology (1 of 2)

RNA-mediated terrorism

Obama Advisers Urge Action Against CRISPR Bioterror Threat For the past two decades, the government has focused its biodefense efforts on a list of known pathogens—such as anthrax, smallpox, and Ebola—declared by the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Agriculture to have the “potential to pose a severe threat to public health RNA-mediated terrorism

Co-evolution and co-speciation replace neo-Darwinian nonsense

Tree-rings reveal secret clocks that could reset key dates across the ancient world It is perhaps easy to forget that we have co-evolved on this planet with micro-organisms, including bacteria, which may be either beneficial or harmful to us. Similarly, viruses cannot copy themselves without help from our cells. Without us, they simply wouldn’t exist. Co-evolution and co-speciation replace neo-Darwinian nonsense

The Light and Darkness of “Evolution 2.0”

The light of evolution in the oft-cited work by Dobzhansky (1973) is the energy from sunlight. The sun’s biological energy links its anti-entropic virucidal epigenetic effects to RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions that differentiate all cell types in all individuals of all living genera. Excerpt from Dobzhansky (1973)  …the so-called alpha chains of hemoglobin have identical The Light and Darkness of “Evolution 2.0”