“continuous environmental tracking

Kohl and Francoeur at 25 (7)

MicroRNA  Items: 1 to 20 of 84999 Feed-forward information and zero-lag synchronization in the sensory thalamocortical circuit are modulated during stimulus perception (3/25/19) …directional and coordinated information in the thalamocortical circuit is associated with stimulus perception.  The animals were trained to report the presence or absence of a tactile stimulus. Olfactory/pheromonal input does not travel Kohl and Francoeur at 25 (7)

Darwin’s Children (2003) and Denton’s Children of the Light (2)

Darwin’s Children (2003) and Denton’s Children of the Light (1) Excerpt: See for instance: “RNA interference” Items: 1 to 20 of 61782 The link from light-activated microRNA biogenesis to RNA interference and ecological adaptations in a new human species was placed into the context of  The Darwin Code . The hyponastic response is an upward bending Darwin’s Children (2003) and Denton’s Children of the Light (2)

Using gobbledygook to frighten people

From an antagonist: Jane Howell Kershaw, who inspired me before she blocked me. Biologically uninformed geologists use gobbledygook to convince others that their claims about evolution and the fossil record are true. For comparison, she takes my claims as a medical laboratory scientist and tells others: James Kohl this is ridiculous. Using gobbledegook to frighten Using gobbledygook to frighten people