ecological speciation

Ecology replaces the extended evolutionary synthesis

The extended evolutionary synthesis: its structure, assumptions and predictions Excerpt 1) “We label this interpretation the ‘extended evolutionary synthesis’ (EES) but emphasize, contrary to some recent claims (e.g. [10]), that the EES is a developing line of contemporary evolutionary thought that exists within the field, and not a denial of the value of past frameworks Ecology replaces the extended evolutionary synthesis

RNA eclipses the importance of DNA to cell type differentiation

Why skin cells are skin cells and not neurons Excerpt: “…we’re using this approach to identify how the epigenome changes when plants are exposed to challenging environmental conditions, such as drought or high temperature, and how these changes might prime the plants for greater tolerance of subsequent exposures.” My comment: The ‘approach’ is DNA methylation RNA eclipses the importance of DNA to cell type differentiation

Sexual differentiation of cell types in plants

Antheridiogen determines sex in ferns via a spatiotemporally split gibberellin synthesis pathway Excerpt: “Homosporous ferns have evolved a mechanism to favor cross-fertilization by controlling the sex ratio among individuals or prothalli within the population with the aid of antheridiogens. Antheridiogens are pheromones…” Reported as: Researchers find ferns communicate with one another to decide gender Excerpt: Sexual differentiation of cell types in plants

From deep time into real time: What evolutionary processes?

Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener Abstract excerpt: “…the lizard Anolis carolinensis moved to higher perches following invasion by Anolis sagrei and, in response, adaptively evolved larger toepads after only 20 generations.” My comment: This indicates that the behavior evolved before the species, in response, evolved larger toepads. Reported as: From deep time into real time: What evolutionary processes?