eternal significance of microRNAs

Natural selection for adaptation (7)

Microbial signatures in the lower airways of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients associated with poor clinical outcome 8/31/21 was reported as: High virus count in the lungs drives COVID-19 deaths 8/31/21 …the study revealed that those who died had on average 50 percent lower production of a type of immune chemical that targets the coronavirus compared Natural selection for adaptation (7)

Protonated RNA interference vs stupid theories (10)

Researchers linked the molecular mechanisms of EIDD-280, HCQ and remdesivir from God’s Creation of hydrogen to peptide synthesis at the origin of life and to viral latency via the ferret model organism. See: Oral drug blocks SARS-CoV-2 transmission 12/3/20 President Donald J. Trump did that for a general audience of non-scientists on 4/23/20. See: Medical Protonated RNA interference vs stupid theories (10)

MicroRNAs on Veteran’s Day 2019

Intranasal Administration of miR-146a Agomir Rescued the Pathological Process and Cognitive Impairment in an AD Mouse Model 10/10/19 …the nasal-to-brain pathway is efficient and operable for the administration of miRNAs to treat brain diseases (Figure 8). All brain diseases are included. See also: Pheromones…for inducing proliferation of neural stem cells and neurogenesis For microRNA-mediated suicide MicroRNAs on Veteran’s Day 2019

Anthony S. Fauci refutes theistic evolution

The Future of Chemistry

Durable Control of HIV Infection in the Absence of Antiretroviral Therapy: Opportunities and ObstaclesDurable Control of HIV Infection in the Absence of Antiretroviral TherapyDurable Control of HIV Infection in the Absence of Antiretroviral Therapy (6/6/19) Costs associated with lifelong Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) forced Anthony S. Fauci and others to examine the facts about microRNAs. Their Anthony S. Fauci refutes theistic evolution