Codon optimality vs systemic fraud (1)

Two summaries of neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory: Amino acid composition of proteins varies substantially between taxa and, thus, can evolve. …yeast receptors trigger activation of heterotrimeric G proteins just as mammalian receptors do, this conserved signaling pathway must have been present in the common ancestor of yeast and humans. Unless you are a biologically uninformed theorist, Codon optimality vs systemic fraud (1)

Photonics in Forensics (9)

Suppression and Activation of Intracellular Immune Response in Initial Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection 11/26/21 …when intracellular immunity is suppressed, SARS-CoV-2 shows a correlation with dysregulation of metal ion homeostasis. Herein, the inhibitory activity of copper ions against SARS-CoV-2 was further validated in in vitro experiments. Ions are atoms that have a positive Photonics in Forensics (9)

MicroRNA-mediated population control (2)

Supramolecular Nanofibers Containing Arginine-Glycine-Aspartate (RGD) Peptides Boost Therapeutic Efficacy of Extracellular Vesicles in Kidney Repair 8/21/20 RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) peptide binds strongly to integrins, which have been identified on the surface of MSC-EV membranes… Evolutionary theorists and Big Bang cosmologists cannot agree with intelligent serious scientists that the light-activated Creation of enzymes led to the Creation MicroRNA-mediated population control (2)

Impeaching the God of Abraham (9)

In “Impeaching the God of Abraham (7) I linked achiral glycine in position 6 of the GnRH decapeptide from peptide synthesis at the origin of life to the patent for naturally occurring light-activated carbon fixation and protonated RNA interference. See also: Regulatory Mechanisms of Vitellogenesis in Insects 1/28/21 …microRNA (miRNA) and nutritional (amino acid/Target of Impeaching the God of Abraham (9)

Racist fascism vs individual liberty (1)

Racist fascists promote mask-wearing, social distancing, and mRNA vaccines despite the facts that link this so-called New perspective on the regulation of acetylcholinesterase via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor 12/5/20 to what is known about The Perfect Storm: COVID-19 Health Disparities in US Blacks 9/23/20 All intelligent serious scientists know that God’s Creation of hydrogen and Racist fascism vs individual liberty (1)

Biologically uninformed science idiot: Self-defense (2)

Summary: “Construction of automata” is the operative phrase. But you must be willing to believe that the automata create themselves outside the context of the creation of sunlight and light-activated endogenous substrates in all cell types of all living genera. Causation, constructors and codes A formal definition of codes in general, and organic codes in Biologically uninformed science idiot: Self-defense (2)

Ecological adaptation: a new definition of heredity (4)

Experimentally Induced Metamorphosis in Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) Under Constant Diet Restructures Microbiota Accompanied by Reduced Limb Regenerative Capacity (2018) Our results show that distinct bacterial communities inhabit individual organs of Axolotl and undergo substantial restructuring through metamorphosis. The restructuring during metamorphosis is biophysically constrained by feedback loops that link olfaction from food odors and pheromones Ecological adaptation: a new definition of heredity (4)

Nature vs Science and

Conclusion: The anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight links food energy directly from the innate immune system to all morphological and behavioral diversity. It all about energy. It’s all about the creation of enzymes. It’s all about the base pairs. Until the day that I launched, I had only one or two Facebook posts that Nature vs Science and

Energy-dependent structure and function: Until death (3)

For God and Country

Energy-dependent structure and function: Until death (2) The COMT Val158Met polymorphism supposedly is not found in species other than humans See: Global variation in the frequencies of functionally different catechol-O-methyltransferase alleles This is also the first study establishing the COMT*L allele as the derived allele unique to humans. Other organisms do not commit suicide. That Energy-dependent structure and function: Until death (3)

Energy-dependent structure and function: Until death (2)

For God and Country

Energy-dependent structure and function: Until death (1) Terry Crews details alleged sexual assault by ‘high level’ Hollywood exec “This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME…” Crews tweeted Tuesday. This claim helps to link the celebrity status of Hollywood victims like Robin Williams to Energy-dependent structure and function: Until death (2)