intracellular signaling

Impeaching the God of Abraham (9)

In “Impeaching the God of Abraham (7) I linked achiral glycine in position 6 of the GnRH decapeptide from peptide synthesis at the origin of life to the patent for naturally occurring light-activated carbon fixation and protonated RNA interference. See also: Regulatory Mechanisms of Vitellogenesis in Insects 1/28/21 …microRNA (miRNA) and nutritional (amino acid/Target of Impeaching the God of Abraham (9)

Chemogenetic kinetics (3): Psychopathology

Leucine–Histidine Dipeptide Attenuates Microglial Activation and Emotional Disturbances Induced by Brain Inflammation and Repeated Social Defeat Stress 9/9/19 …daily intake of these fermented foods is negatively associated with the incidence of psychiatric diseases… Reported as: Research discoveries suggest that leucine-histidine dipeptide improves mental health  These research results were first reported in the online academic journal Chemogenetic kinetics (3): Psychopathology

Nature vs Science and

Conclusion: The anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight links food energy directly from the innate immune system to all morphological and behavioral diversity. It all about energy. It’s all about the creation of enzymes. It’s all about the base pairs. Until the day that I launched, I had only one or two Facebook posts that Nature vs Science and

Energy-dependent physical and biophysical constraints (5)

Summary: Emmy Noethe’s theorems were developed in the early 1900’s. Richard Feynman inadvertently or purposefully alluded to them as examples of human idiocy. Discover Magazine resurrected the examples of human idiocy in a 2017 article. For comparison, Choi et al., (2017) support the claims that intercellular and interkingdom communication is energy-dependent and controlled by the Energy-dependent physical and biophysical constraints (5)

Energy-dependent microRNA biogenesis

Published May 3, 2017 Genetic variation and RNA structure regulate microRNA biogenesis …primary sequence determinants and RNA structure are key regulators of miRNA biogenesis. Genetic variation aka primary sequence determinants are energy-dependent and RNA-mediated. Energy-dependent RNA methylation is an experience-dependent link from natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality. Natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality links Energy-dependent microRNA biogenesis

Chromatin: The structure of DNA (2)

A Genetically Encoded Probe for Live-Cell Imaging of H4K20 Monomethylation Excerpt (with my emphasis): Highlights •    A histone H4K20me1-specific live-cell probe, H4K20me1-mintbody, was developed. •    Dynamics and replication timing of Xi were visualized. •    Critical amino acids for the stability and/or folding of the mintbody were revealed. Reported as: Catching histones by the tail: A Chromatin: The structure of DNA (2)

Chromatin: The structure of DNA (3)

See:  Chromatin: The structure of DNA (2) Inherited parental methylation shifts over time, may have functional effects in the brain and other tissues Excerpt: …researchers have theorized that inherited methylation, also referred to as parental imprinting, largely remains stable throughout development, except during two important developmental milestones: after fertilization and during the creation of sperm Chromatin: The structure of DNA (3)

Light energy-dependent active motifs

Active Motif claims that Active Motif is the industry leader in developing and delivering innovative tools to enable epigenetics and gene regulation research. See how the role of light is portrayed in LightSwitch™ Luciferase Assay System (with my emphasis) Excerpt 1) Combined with our large collection of miRNA Mimics and Inhibitors, you have everything needed Light energy-dependent active motifs

The miRNA/mRNA balance: a suboptimal strategy?

Cells exercise suboptimal strategy to survive Excerpt: “Learning the secrets of alternate molecular pathways could provide clues about how to use them to patients’ advantage, she said.” My comment: The same molecular pathways control the nutrient-dependent physiology of reproduction in all genera. They link RNA-directed DNA methylation to RNA-mediated cell type differentiation via fixation of The miRNA/mRNA balance: a suboptimal strategy?