irreducibly complex

Epigenetics and autophagy vs mutations and evolution (6)

Bird embryos uncover homology and evolution of the dinosaur ankle Conclusion: The early formation of the limb skeleton is often assumed to be well known from ‘classic’ published lines of work using traditional techniques and model species. However, it is worth revising this basic information. New methods and better taxon sampling can provide increased detail Epigenetics and autophagy vs mutations and evolution (6)

A failed theory of cancer: two more decades of pseudoscience

1995 Neo-Darwinism has failed as an evolutionary theory 2016 Cancer and the transformation of life: An Interview with Athena Aktipis Excerpt: Cancer is evolution taking place inside multi-cellular organisms. Cancer cells are perversely adaptive and proliferate faster than normal cells. Since evolution has no foresight, it doesn’t matter that the end result of cancer evolution A failed theory of cancer: two more decades of pseudoscience