
Bruce McEwen’s legacy: sympatric speciation (4)

Bruce S. McEwen’s retrovirus legacy (1)  Conclusion: The light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex is required to link viral latency to healthy longevity across kingdoms via the physiology of reproduction. That statement reflects well on the 60-year history of Bruce McEwen’s published works from 1959 to 2019. For example, this was published on the day Bruce McEwen’s legacy: sympatric speciation (4)

#SFN2019 to 2012: Hiding the facts (3)

Why Immune Cells Extrude Webs of DNA and Protein 10/1/19 Plant root cells release chromatin to defend against pathogens, and a recent study described NET-like structures released from phagocytes of invertebrates, such as crabs, mussels, and anemones. The process of cells releasing their DNA as a protective mechanism might therefore be ancient. Further studies will #SFN2019 to 2012: Hiding the facts (3)

Quantized energy-dependent mTORC1 and autophagy

Conclusion: One side of this representation of the global metabolic shift links food energy-dependent microRNA biosynthesis to healthy longevity. The other side of the global metabolic shift links the virus-driven theft of quantized energy from autophagy to catabolism. Biologically uninformed theorists link catabolism from mutations to evolution. Serious scientists link fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid Quantized energy-dependent mTORC1 and autophagy

Long-term adaptation replaces evolution (3)

Summary: Koonin thinks that serious scientists who have linked the creation of energy to all biodiversity via the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction in species from microbes to humans must prove that everything the serious scientists know did not occur randomly after the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy emerged from nothing. Other pseudoscientists have taken a step Long-term adaptation replaces evolution (3)

From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (5)

From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (4) CRISPR Is Taking Over Science, Breaks Out Of Labs And Invades Schools (5/29/17) …used mathematical models to reveal that even in a uniform environment, metabolic competition generally leads to the steady coexistence of distinct microbes, collectively called a “consortium”. In a consortium, distinct microbes From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (5)

Energy-dependent pheromone-controlled entropy (2)

See also: Energy-dependent pheromone-controlled entropy (1) Let’s make peer review scientific …peer review is often biased and inefficient. It is occasionally corrupt, sometimes a charade, an open temptation to plagiarists. Even with the best of intentions, how and whether peer review identifies high-quality science is unknown. It is, in short, unscientific. The androgynous baby-faced boy Energy-dependent pheromone-controlled entropy (2)

Ab initio cell wall invention, emergence, and evolution (1)

Suzan Mazur continues to make giant leaps forward for all serious scientists by forcing pseudoscientists to admit that they know nothing about the energy-dependent de novo creation of life. That means they know nothing about how virus-driven energy theft causes the degradation of messenger RNA (mRNA) that links loss of function from bacteria to archaea Ab initio cell wall invention, emergence, and evolution (1)