The MicroRNAome Strikes Back: A Sokalian hoax (4)


In this Sokalian hoax series, all food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled biodiversity has clearly been linked from the speed of light on contact with water to biophysically constrained viral latency in all genera via the physiology of reproduction and autophagy, the innate phage defense mechanism. Will water link RNA modifications to stem cell self-renewal, or will light-activated The MicroRNAome Strikes Back: A Sokalian hoax (4)


“The gene, cell, tissue, organ, organ-system pathway is a neuroscientifically established link between sensory input and behavior. Marts and Resnick (2007) stress the importance of this pathway in the context of a systems biology approach to pharmacogenomics.” (Kohl, 2012) “Naftolin (1981) stressed its importance to the understanding of sex differences. This pathway is sensitive to Pharmacogenomics

Unassailable evidence vs assumptions

Putting the theory before the data: Is “massive modularity” a necessary foundation of evolutionary psychology? Excerpt 1) “Anyone who attends HBES, EHBEA, ISHE or any of the other conferences dedicated to the approach will discover that new fields of study are constantly being approached through the lens of evolutionary theory.” Excerpt 2) “There is little Unassailable evidence vs assumptions

Drunks and Monkeys: Pseudoscientific nonsense

Drunks and Monkeys Understanding our primate ancestors’ relationship with alcohol can inform its use by modern humans. By Robert Dudley | June 1, 2014 Excerpt: “…if the right kinds of bacteria are also present, fermentation will stabilize certain foodstuffs (think cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi, for example).” My comment:  Epigenetic changes induced by ethanol in astrocytes link histone acetylation, Drunks and Monkeys: Pseudoscientific nonsense

Unconscious affects on incalculable genomic interactions

Kudos to them for moving us forward and away from random mutations theory to an era where geneticists and neuroscientists can examine sensory cause and effect in the proper perspective of an epigenetic continuum of unconscious affects on genomic interactions…

Pheromones, LH, neurogenesis, learning, memory, behavior

The prenatal migration of GnRH neurosecretory neurons allow human pheromones to effect GnRH pulsatility, which modulates the concurrent maturation of the neuroendocrine, reproductive, and central nervous systems, thus influencing the development of human reproductive sexual behavior and other behavior.