microRNA-mediated replication cycles

Natural selection for adaptation (7)

Microbial signatures in the lower airways of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients associated with poor clinical outcome 8/31/21 was reported as: High virus count in the lungs drives COVID-19 deaths 8/31/21 …the study revealed that those who died had on average 50 percent lower production of a type of immune chemical that targets the coronavirus compared Natural selection for adaptation (7)

microRNA-mediated replication cycles (8)

In 365 days, after celebration of independence from public health fascism on Independence Day 2022 in the USA, Guenther Witzany, co-author of Infectious Thoughts: Discovering Biology as a Social Science will end the pseudoscientific nonsense about beneficial mutations and evolution across billions to millions of years via his efforts to organize and to present during microRNA-mediated replication cycles (8)