microRNA profiling

Photonics in Forensics (2)

MicroRNAs have been linked to the cause and/or the effective light-activated treatment of all virus-driven pathology in nearly 136,000 indexed published works. See: microRNA Use Meniere’s as an example: See: Distinct MicroRNA Profiles in the Perilymph and Serum of Patients With Menière’s Disease 6/16/21 See also: MicroRNA Profiling as a Methodology to Diagnose Ménière’s Disease: Photonics in Forensics (2)

Francis S. Collins refutes theistic evolution

Criticisms of the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled evolutionary model Based on his writings, both published and unpublished, James Kohl presents an unsupported challenge to modern evolutionary theory and misrepresentations of established scientific terms and others’ research. — Andrew Jones, BA Editor’s note The 2013 review article by James Vaughn Kohl published in Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology and Francis S. Collins refutes theistic evolution

George Church refutes theistic evolution (3)

Fifty years of illumination about the natural levels of adaptation … George C. Williams developed in his 1966 book Adaptation and Natural Selection the essentials of a unifying theory of adaptation that remains robust today and has inspired immense progress in understanding how natural selection works. Light Could Propel Nanorobots on a “Fantastic Voyage” Through George Church refutes theistic evolution (3)