
Light-activated chemogenetic kinetics (2)

G-tract RNA removes Polycomb repressive complex 2 from genes  9/23/19 Abstract introduction: Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) maintains repression of cell-type-specific genes but also associates with genes ectopically in cancer. Conclusion: These data support a model in which pre-mRNA evicts PRC2 during gene activation and provides the means to selectively remove PRC2 from specific genes. Light-activated chemogenetic kinetics (2)

MicroRNA-mediated, since 1964 (1)

The [light-activated energy-dependent] enzymatic methylation of RNA and DNA: Effects of bacteriophage infection on the activity of the methylating enzymes (1964) …might provide a clue as to the biological function of the methylating enzymes. See for comparison:SFXN1 is a mitochondrial serine transporter required for one-carbon metabolism (11/16/18) Has anyone else linked the Creation of differences MicroRNA-mediated, since 1964 (1)

MicroRNA-controlled quantitative trait loci (QTLs)

See: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model (6/14/13) A good model predicts.  In my refutation of the neo-Darwinian pseudoscientific nonsense touted in Mutation-Driven Evolution (6/14/13), I predicted: The role of the microRNA/messenger RNA balance… in adaptive evolution will certainly be discussed in published works that will follow. On 6/13/13 25691 of the currently existing 87961 articles MicroRNA-controlled quantitative trait loci (QTLs)

Kohl and Francoeur at 25 (3)

Bacteriophage trigger antiviral immunity and prevent clearance of bacterial infection 3/29/19 Bacteriophages promote bacterial infection by directly triggering a maladaptive anti-viral immune response. In the absence of nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in bacteria the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA is linked to all pathology in species from microbes to humans via the Virus-mediated archaeal Kohl and Francoeur at 25 (3)