
The tipping point (revisited): 86,000 publications

“Darwin had a huge data set and no mechanism—where would he publish today? This is a problem!” — Arturo Casadevall Darwin’s light-activated “conditions of life” are microRNA-mediated. The mechanisms have been exquisitely detailed n ~86,000 indexed publications. Light-activated microRNA biogenesis in plants links the sudden appearance of flowering plants from his “abominable mystery” to the genesis The tipping point (revisited): 86,000 publications

Jan to Feb 1 2019 MicroRNA x 1352

Historical perspective (USA): The Bull Sperm MicroRNAome and the Effect of Fescue Toxicosis on Sperm MicroRNA Expression (12/2/14) In the following examples, only researchers from the USA appear to have subsequently missed the fact that what organisms eat must be linked from the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction to biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity Jan to Feb 1 2019 MicroRNA x 1352

Science journalism: a threat to humanity (2)

Haematologica Vol. 104 n. 1 January 2019 Free textbook The free textbook may help serious scientists to stop playing word games with biologically uninformed theorists and so-called science journalists Clearly, Today’s journalists are not ‘guardians of the truth’ …star investigative reporter, Claas Relotius, has been proven to be an industrial-scale fraud, a fantasist fictionist, who Science journalism: a threat to humanity (2)

Natural models inspire future therapeutics

Natural models inspire future therapeutics See: Screaming viruses and Alzheimer’s (1) Screaming viruses and Cancer Screaming Viruses and Alzheimer’s (2) MicroRNA biogenesis, the microRNAome, and your brainome and Reciprocal Interactions Between Gut Microbiota and Host Social Behavior We suggest that investigating these reciprocal interactions can advance our understanding of sociality, from healthy and impaired social Natural models inspire future therapeutics

Quantum initiation of cold chemistry vs Hypeology (2)

See first: Quantum initiation of cold chemistry vs Hypeology (1) Genotype Genotype is a betting and manipulation game about cross-breeding pea plants, as in Gregor Mendel’s famous experiments. Players compete over three generations to predict the traits of new offspring, by controlling the parent plants’ genetic makeup (“genotype”). The offspring are determined by a die-roll Quantum initiation of cold chemistry vs Hypeology (2)

Animal welfare vs human ethology

Dairy cattle welfare as a result of human-animal relationship – a review …negligence in this area is one of the reasons for public disinformation regarding the level of animal welfare. Negligence in all areas of animal welfare can be attributed to human ethologists. The history of their pseudoscientific nonsense extends back through the decades to Animal welfare vs human ethology

The eternal significance of microRNAs and the Vietnam Memorial (1)

Researchers who believe in the mutation-driven evolution of species and mutation-driven differences in human populations have invented another ridiculous hypothesis. Now, they believe in mathematical models that infer: Cultural hitchhiking and competition between patrilineal kin groups explain the post-Neolithic Y-chromosome bottleneck In human populations, changes in genetic variation are driven not only by genetic processes, The eternal significance of microRNAs and the Vietnam Memorial (1)