“minimal gene signature”

God’s shrinking role in salvation (3)

Summary: I believe there is a bipartisan trend that links conservative Republicans to survival of the species, but I don’t know for sure what will happen to the liberal Democrats. And, I can’t prove it!   Helicity and chirality https://www.facebook.com/ed.unverricht/videos/10155506720828729/ See also: God’s shrinking role in salvation (2) A Theory of Reality as More Than God’s shrinking role in salvation (3)

God's shrinking role in salvation (3)

Summary: I believe there is a bipartisan trend that links conservative Republicans to survival of the species, but I don’t know for sure what will happen to the liberal Democrats. And, I can’t prove it!   Helicity and chirality https://www.facebook.com/ed.unverricht/videos/10155506720828729/ See also: God’s shrinking role in salvation (2) A Theory of Reality as More Than God's shrinking role in salvation (3)