natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality

Synthetic RNA-based switches

Synthetic RNA-based switches for mammalian gene expression control Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Volume 48, December 2017, Pages 54–60 If you wait until December, 2017 to see this article in print, you will probably be among the last of those to have missed a two decades-old paradigm shift. The fact that these researchers created synthetic RNA-based Synthetic RNA-based switches

Functionally interdependent editing and methylation

Editing and methylation at a single site by functionally interdependent activities …cytosine 32 in the anticodon loop of Trypanosoma brucei tRNAThr is methylated to 3-methylcytosine (m3C) as a pre-requisite for C-to-U deamination. Formation of m3C in vitro requires the presence of both the T. brucei m3C methyltransferase TRM140 and the deaminase ADAT2/3. Once formed, m3C Functionally interdependent editing and methylation

Bill Gates refutes theistic evolution

See: Bill Gates refutes theistic evolution (prequel) See for comparison: Our 2017 Annual Letter Warren Buffett’s Best Investment By Bill and Melinda Gates | February 14, 2017 Malnourished children can be getting enough calories, but not the right nutrients. That makes them more susceptible to conditions like pneumonia or diarrhea—and more likely to die from Bill Gates refutes theistic evolution

George Church refutes theistic evolution

Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series (WALS) – The future of genetic codes and BRAIN codes The NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series, colloquially known as WALS, is the highest-profile lecture program at the NIH. The future of genetic codes and BRAIN codes (video) My comment on the video: Biophysically constrained genetic codes are brain codes. They George Church refutes theistic evolution