
Ecological variation and niche construction: 1, 2, 3

Part 1 From its most basic expression in grazing and predatory nematodes with differences in morphological and behavioral phenotypes, neurogenic niche construction is nutrient-dependent and pheromone-controlled. One of these two worms has teeth. It also recognizes self vs other differences and eats other worms. “The patterns of synaptic connections perfectly mirror the fundamental differences in Ecological variation and niche construction: 1, 2, 3

Can epigenetic inheritance occur without concurrent changes in morphology AND behavior?

Heritable Histones Scientists show how roundworm daughter cells remember the histone modification patterns of their parents. By Ruth Williams | September 18, 2014 My comment: Strike three, your theories are out. Re: Strike 1) Combating Evolution to Fight Disease Strike 2) RNA and dynamic nuclear organization Strike 3) Starvation-Induced Transgenerational Inheritance of Small RNAs in Can epigenetic inheritance occur without concurrent changes in morphology AND behavior?

Behavior: The first response is RNA-mediated not genetically-determined

Diana Maria Petrosanu asked a question in an Evolutionary Psychology News discussion about Evolution’s Random Paths Lead to One Place. I’ve been very vocal in other discussions that tout ridiculous theories that have been repeatedly refuted by biological facts. My answer to her question might help others to understand the language of RNA-mediated events. That’s Behavior: The first response is RNA-mediated not genetically-determined

Baby talk: More misrepresentations of ecological adaptations

Evolution’s Baby Steps by Carl Zimmer Excerpt 1) “When organisms find themselves in a new environment, they develop in a way that helps them cope with their new surroundings. Their descendants may acquire mutations that encode that anatomy in their genes. Eventually evolution takes them beyond where plasticity alone could take them.” My comment: It’s Baby talk: More misrepresentations of ecological adaptations

The wrong picture of our evolution

“We have built a picture of our evolution based on the morphology of fossils and it was wrong.” I’ve repeatedly cited the latest literature, especially in the context of Skull 5. The article linked below is another clear representation of how the wrong picture of our evolution was built via a series of misrepresentations that The wrong picture of our evolution