
God’s shrinking role in salvation

God’s shrinking role in salvation can temporarily be placed into the context of what serious scientists are reporting for comparison to the claims of pseudoscientists. See: Quantum Simulation (free download) It presents several examples of experiments using both density and momentum imaging and quantum gas microscopy to study the motion of atoms in optical lattices. God’s shrinking role in salvation

Theorists can’t understand biology

See also: Neuroplasticity Thanks to Teresa Binstock for calling my attention to this:   Thanks to Anna Di Cosmo for calling the attention of others to this: My comment: Attempts to explain the “binding problem” of integration in the context of ecoimmunology and disease ecology compared to emergence and evolution are examples of how much Theorists can’t understand biology


Can You Think Yourself Into a Different Person? Excerpt 1) Those who over-evangelise emerging disciplines like neuroplasticity or epigenetics can sometimes be guilty of talking as if the influence of our genes no longer matters. Excerpt 2) Of course, it’s our malleable brains that have moulded themselves to these rhythms. See also: Nature and nurture: Neuroplasticity