politicized science

Kohl and Francoeur at 25 (2)

3/27/19 Update on politicized science: Most Russians probably already know that the the light-activated creation of microRNAs links the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction to protection from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA that links mutations to all diseases. See: Pheromonal Regulation of Genetic Processes: Research on the House Mouse (Mus musculus L.) (1994) and the Kohl and Francoeur at 25 (2)

Combating evolution: Battlefield medicine vs politicized science (2)

See also: Combating evolution: Battlefield medicine vs politicized science Excerpt: Microfluidics Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth through 2025 Mattis and Trump must know that the war against science by theorists will either be won by researchers in the USA, or the USA will be lost to corporate greed. Multifunctional, inexpensive, and reusable nanoparticle-printed biochip Combating evolution: Battlefield medicine vs politicized science (2)

Energy-dependent chirality (2)

See Energy-dependent chirality 2013 MicroRNA-based regulation of epithelial–hybrid–mesenchymal fate determination See also E. Ben-Jacob Ben-Jacob et al., have linked everything currently known about natural information processing from natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality to healthy longevity and from virus-driven energy theft to mutations that cause cancer. See for comparison: LH Tsai Tsai laboratory Our primary Energy-dependent chirality (2)