post‐transcriptional adaptions

Defeating Disease and Communism (2)

On 4/23/20 former President Donald J. Trump reportedly linked God’s Creation of sunlight and humidity to the energy-dependent weakening of coronaviruses via RNA–RNA interaction between host and virus, but see Experts say there’s no medical basis for Trump’s suggestion that sunlight, disinfectants may treat coronavirus 4/24/20 Jonathan Reiner, professor of medicine at The George Washington Defeating Disease and Communism (2)

Defeating Disease and Communism (1)

Defeating Diseases with Energy 1/9/18 The mitochondria turn food’s hydrogen and carbon and inhaled oxygen into carbon dioxide (CO2), water and adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which stores energy. God’s ATP-dependent Creation of RNA links protonated RNA interference to healthy longevity. See: Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and Defeating Disease and Communism (1)