
Energy-dependent oscillating gene networks organize life

Nascent, innate, intrinsic, and biofunctional are among the “weasel words” used by theorists who ignore the fact that all life-sustaining energy comes from the sun via hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution. See how Jon Lieff continues to misrepresent that fact, by placing everything known about RNA-mediated cell type differentiation back into the Energy-dependent oscillating gene networks organize life

Re-inventing mutation-driven evolution (2)

See: Re-inventing mutation-driven evolution See also: Temperature regulates splicing efficiency of the cold-inducible RNA-binding protein gene Cirbp … we suspected that splicing efficiency, as defined by the fraction of pre-mRNA converted into mature mRNA, must have contributed to temperature-dependent Cirbp mRNA accumulation Splicing efficiency is energy-dependent in the context of temperature-dependent oscillations that link the Re-inventing mutation-driven evolution (2)

Energy-dependent de novo creation and neurogenesis (2)

See also: Energy-dependent de novo creation and neurogenesis 12/7/16 Atlas of the RNA universe takes shape Excerpt: MicroRNA are very mysterious. They are really relics of the RNA world—pieces of RNA that are highly reactive, very small and which pair and bind other RNA and facilitate catalytic reactions,” Mangone says. “We don’t know much about Energy-dependent de novo creation and neurogenesis (2)

Energy-dependent purifying selection / autophagy (4)

Energy-dependent purifying selection / autophagy (3) My question: What is an abiotic environment? See: “abiotic factors found in aquatic systems may be things like water depth, pH, sunlight, turbidity (amount of water cloudiness), salinity (salt concentration), available nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous, etc.), and dissolved oxygen (amount of oxygen dissolved in the water). Abiotic variables found in Energy-dependent purifying selection / autophagy (4)

Epigenetics and autophagy vs mutations and evolution (2)

Plants send light to roots to ‘see’ underground My comment: Sending light requires an energy-dependent link from hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to supercoiled DNA, which protects all organanized genomes from virus-driven energy theft and genomic entropy. See Schrodinger (1944) Excerpt: Indeed, in the case of higher animals we know the kind Epigenetics and autophagy vs mutations and evolution (2)

Polycombic ecological adaptation as a science, not a theory (2)

Evolutionary Constraints in the β-Globin Cluster: The Signature of Purifying Selection at the δ-Globin (HBD) Locus and Its Role in Developmental Gene Regulation Conclusion: … the results here presented indicate that purifying selection is driving not only HBD evolution but also its neighbor pseudogene, HBBP1. In the light of recent advances in the characterization of Polycombic ecological adaptation as a science, not a theory (2)

80 years of causal analysis (1936 – 2016)

Roles of Mutation and Selection in Speciation: From Hugo de Vries [1902 definition of mutation] to the Modern Genomic Era Excerpt: …mutation is crucial in speciation because reproductive barriers cannot be generated without mutations. My comment: Chromosomal rearrangements link autophagy from energy-dependent changes in RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions and supercoiled DNA to all biodiversity via 80 years of causal analysis (1936 – 2016)

How did the innate immune system evolve?

Sexually Antagonistic Male Signals Manipulate Germline and Soma of C. elegans Hermaphrodites Abstract excerpt: Why would a system exist that reduces the vigor of potential mates prior to mating? Addressing this question could provide insights into mechanisms and evolution of sexual conflict and reveal sensory inputs that regulate aging. Highlights excerpt: An unknown signal accelerates larval How did the innate immune system evolve?