
The tipping point (revisited): 89K (1)

microRNA Items: 1 – 88795 (7/9/19) See first: The tipping point (revisited): 88K (1) Summary: Viral trophism, the proliferation of viruses, is biophysically constrained by the light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex. The assembly of the nanocomplex links the physiology of reproduction to the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of all morphological and behavioral phenotypes via sympatric speciation. The tipping point (revisited): 89K (1)

Energy-dependent base editing and correction of mutations (3)

Alzheimer’s is tractable from lactose intolerance to diverticulitis and/or colon cancer, which progresses to Alzheimer’s in some people. Others ecologically adapt via a change in diet or reduction of social stress. Conclusion: Theories are the cause of all pathology. Excerpts from Energy-dependent base editing and correction of mutations (2) with a primate-specific addendum See: From Energy-dependent base editing and correction of mutations (3)