proton-motive force

The tipping point (revisited): 78,000 publications (2)

Summary: The conserved molecular mechanisms  of circadian rhythms and estrogen receptor polymorphisms are linked to all energy-dependent polymorphisms via the creation of sunlight, which is the anti-entropic force that Schrodinger (1944) linked to the creation of all life on Earth via the physiology of reproduction. The tipping point (revisited): 78,000 publications (1) ‘Star Wars Resistance’ The tipping point (revisited): 78,000 publications (2)

Ecological adaptations vs the randomness of evolution (3)

Summary: Fifty years later, only theorists and other pseudoscientists have failed to recognize the facts that link experimental evidence of differences in the energy of photons to the proton motive force, which links the potential of hydrogen (pH) to biophysically constrained viral latency and all biodiversity on Earth. In that context, Carl Zimmer serves as Ecological adaptations vs the randomness of evolution (3)

Environmental selection is natural selection (4)

Conclusion: Only biologically uninformed science idiots still believe in the pseudoscientific nonsense of neo-Darwinian evolution. VISUALIZING APOPTOSIS AS IT HAPPENS Apoptosis is a highly regulated and critical homeostatic process in multicellular organisms. Biologically uninformed theorists have claimed the conserved molecular mechanisms of energy-dependent apoptosis in multicelluar organisms arose after energy emerged. Aberrations in this form Environmental selection is natural selection (4)