
Is meat protein unhealthy? (2)

See also: Microbiome-Grade DNA Extraction Kits …the thermal and chemical methods effectively lyse the gram-negative organisms and boost their population in the final profile, amplifying the bias. This suggests that all links from food energy-dependent de novo creation of the pheromone-controlled biophysically constrained bull sperm microRNAome have been misinterpreted in the context of virus-driven fescue Is meat protein unhealthy? (2)

Is meat protein unhealthy? (1)

Patterns of plant and animal protein intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality Reported as: Meat protein is unhealthy, but protein from nuts and seeds is heart smart In the context of everything known about how the creation of anti-entropic virucidal light must be linked to all biodiversity on Earth, watch this ridiculous misrepresentation of Is meat protein unhealthy? (1)

Pseudoscientists hate what science explains! (3)

See also: Pseudoscientists hate what science explains (2) Summary: In addition to germline silencing via information transfer to the physical landscape of supercoiled DNA, multicopy transgene arrays are linked from changes in the microRNA/messenger RNA balance to variation in their somatic expression level. That fact helps to establish the difference between healthy longevity and pathology Pseudoscientists hate what science explains! (3)

Wikipedia refutes theistic evolution

RNA-Directed DNA Methylation Besides RNA molecules, a plethora of proteins are involved in the establishment of RdDM, like Argonautes, DNA methyltransferases, chromatin remodelling complexes and the plant-specific Polymerase IV and Polymerase V. All these act in concert to add a methyl-group at the 5′ position of cytosines. In contrast to animals, cytosines at all sequence Wikipedia refutes theistic evolution

Energy-dependent chirality

See also: Achiral glycine Summary: Virus-driven energy theft alters the interactions between physics and chemistry that maintain biophysically constrained biodiversity. That’s how viruses are linked from mutations to all pathology. Nutrient energy-dependent changes in the context of the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction biophysically constrain biodiversity via the fixation of amino acid substitutions in supercoiled DNA, which Energy-dependent chirality

Epigenetics and autophagy vs mutations and evolution (2)

Plants send light to roots to ‘see’ underground My comment: Sending light requires an energy-dependent link from hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to supercoiled DNA, which protects all organanized genomes from virus-driven energy theft and genomic entropy. See Schrodinger (1944) Excerpt: Indeed, in the case of higher animals we know the kind Epigenetics and autophagy vs mutations and evolution (2)

Coulombic interactions facilitate polycombic adaptation

RNA Structural Modules Control the Rate and Pathway of RNA Folding and Assembly Summary: Everything known to serious scientists about energy-dependent biophysically constrained RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry is attributed to “Nature” and evolution with no consideration for where the energy came from or where it goes when viruses use it for their replication. See also: Coulombic interactions facilitate polycombic adaptation

Polycombic ecological adaptation as a science, not a theory (2)

Evolutionary Constraints in the β-Globin Cluster: The Signature of Purifying Selection at the δ-Globin (HBD) Locus and Its Role in Developmental Gene Regulation Conclusion: … the results here presented indicate that purifying selection is driving not only HBD evolution but also its neighbor pseudogene, HBBP1. In the light of recent advances in the characterization of Polycombic ecological adaptation as a science, not a theory (2)

80 years of causal analysis (1936 – 2016)

Roles of Mutation and Selection in Speciation: From Hugo de Vries [1902 definition of mutation] to the Modern Genomic Era Excerpt: …mutation is crucial in speciation because reproductive barriers cannot be generated without mutations. My comment: Chromosomal rearrangements link autophagy from energy-dependent changes in RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions and supercoiled DNA to all biodiversity via 80 years of causal analysis (1936 – 2016)

Chromatin: The structure of DNA

Update on Inflammation and Degenerative Brain Disease Excerpt: While mapping connections of neurons has become the holy grail of current neuroscience, it is clear that communication of neurons with many other types cells is, also, vitally important to every aspect of brain function. My comment: Understanding dementia was placed into the context of understanding how Chromatin: The structure of DNA