Supramolecular Assembly

Functionally interdependent editing and methylation

Editing and methylation at a single site by functionally interdependent activities …cytosine 32 in the anticodon loop of Trypanosoma brucei tRNAThr is methylated to 3-methylcytosine (m3C) as a pre-requisite for C-to-U deamination. Formation of m3C in vitro requires the presence of both the T. brucei m3C methyltransferase TRM140 and the deaminase ADAT2/3. Once formed, m3C Functionally interdependent editing and methylation

Expunging the distinguished public

Royal Society Expunges Public From Evo Record Many of the attendee-participants were, in fact, more distinguished than many of the actual speakers. So the audience came to be heard as well as to listen. But the official recording (now posted) has been wiped clean of public comment — the most robust part of the meeting Expunging the distinguished public