ultraviolet radiation

God vs host-derived creation of virus-driven pathology

Summary: The virus-driven theft of quantized energy forces cells to compete for nutrient energy-dependent RNA-mediated reprogramming in the context of the structure of photons, one-carbon metabolism, autophagy, and the physiology of reproduction, which links energy-dependent changes in chirality from base pairs to RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions. Host-derived viral transporter protein for nitrogen uptake in infected God vs host-derived creation of virus-driven pathology

Light ‘drives’ adaptation; nothing ‘drives’ evolution (2)

See: Light ‘drives’ adaptation; nothing ‘drives’ evolution See also: Who rules the waves? – Viruses might just be bit players in the drama of the seas. Then again, they could be major actors Excerpt (from 1996):  Most consider viruses to be a legion of cripples, sterilised by ultraviolet radiation and rendered impotent by hosts that Light ‘drives’ adaptation; nothing ‘drives’ evolution (2)