
Do not call me Ishmael (1)

Summary: I am not afflicted by the consequences of beliefs in ridiculous theories, and I do not tell stories about  white whale obsessions. Moby Dick, for example, has been linked to passages from Biblical Genesis, and so has every aspect of healthy longevity. But, I am also not a theologian. I am a medical laboratory Do not call me Ishmael (1)

Cryo-EM: Linking spatial and conformational constraints

Plenty of Room at the Bottom

On Darwin Day (2018) Carl Zimmer suggested use of the twitter hashtag #Istudyevolution to report whatever aspect of biology people were studying. For example, Richard Lenski reported that he studied adaptation in E. coli. When I told others that ecological adaptation is nutrient-dependent and pheromone-controlled in species from microbes to humans, he blocked me from Cryo-EM: Linking spatial and conformational constraints

UV light and non-coding RNA

UV Irradiation Induces a Non-coding RNA that Functionally Opposes the Protein Encoded by the Same Gene …these events underlie a switch to expression of short mRNA isoforms and preferential use of alternative last exons in a number of genes, including ASCC3. Intriguingly, the switch between ASCC3 isoforms occurs on more than one level, in that the UV light and non-coding RNA