Viral Infectious Diseases

Energy-dependent coulombic, autophagic, polycombic healthy longevity

Mitophagy is the selective degradation of mitochondria by autophagy. See also this excerpt: Disorders in energy creation by mitochondria can cause cellular degeneration… Mitochondria do not create energy.  They link the creation of the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy to RNA-mediated cell type differentiation via biophysically constrained DNA repair. Energy-dependent autophagy links mitophagy to supercoiled DNA Energy-dependent coulombic, autophagic, polycombic healthy longevity

Survivors of RNA-mediated terrorism

In Darwin’s Radio and Darwin’s Children, Greg Bear predicted there would be ecologically adapted survivors of the forthcoming viral apocalypse.  Could his “raw insight” help to save you, or help to save any of your loved ones who are not already dead? Or, is it too late for us all? See: “The Darwin Code: Intelligent Survivors of RNA-mediated terrorism