virus-host interactions

Geobiology vs Geovirology (2)

Earlier today, Semour ‘Sy’ Garte wrote: “I generally don’t like it when people talk about books they haven’t read, and inevitably get everything wrong. But I REALLY don’t like it when the book is mine. OTOH, your ignorance of the Templeton Foundation (and me) is just as deep, so I guess I shouldn’t be that Geobiology vs Geovirology (2)

The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls (5)

Lethal virus kills 5 billion people?

Evolutionary determinants of genome-wide nucleotide composition January 1, 2018 1) They place their thoughts about mutation rates into the context of compatibility with mutational spectra. 2)They claim the mutation rate can be linked to mutational spectra that may be free to wander across evolutionary time. 3) They ignore facts that link the energy-dependent maintenance of The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls (5)

Dispensing with all pseudoscientific nonsense about evolution (1)

No experimental evidence of biophysically constrained biologically-based cause and effect supports claims that the mammalian placenta “evolved.” All experimental evidence of biophysically constrained biologically-based cause and effect supports claims that the mammalian placenta is an energy-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptation. See also: Discovery of chemoautotrophic symbiosis in the giant shipworm Kuphus polythalamia (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) extends wooden-steps Dispensing with all pseudoscientific nonsense about evolution (1)