X chromosome inactivation

Quantum Darwinism (6)

Learn how sunlight and humidity link photosynthesis from construction of the cell wall  to biophysically constrained viral latency via God’s ATP-dependent Creation of RNA.   For links from the light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex across kingdoms via the Creation of enzymes see: Castration increases and androgens decrease nitric oxide synthase activity in the brain: Quantum Darwinism (6)

RNA-mediated X chromosome inactivation

Thanks to Teresa Binstock for alerting others to this: Dynamics of gene silencing during X inactivation using allele-specific RNA-seq Excerpt: …our study provides the first comprehensive allele-specific analysis of gene silencing during X inactivation. … The molecular mechanisms by which this upregulation occur are currently unclear, but might involve transcriptional as well as posttranscriptional regulatory RNA-mediated X chromosome inactivation