Why Trump won’t meet with some 2017 Nobel Laureates

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: January 20, 2018

Excerpt: Others have seen the latest experimental evidence on biophysically constrained energy storage coming, but they have remained relatively silent.

This is a deliberate attempt to increase the number of my tweet impressions to more than 80K since Christmas eve, during the same month that ~1000 more articles on microRNA-mediated energy storage were added to the PubMed database. On June 24, 2017,  I joked about the claims of science journalist Philip Ball. His pseudoscientific nonsense about quantum common sensee led to my Christmas eve-and-beyond efforts to establish the facts outside the context of the song: “Here Comes Santa Claus.”

I suggest you see: Mechanisms of Recombination conference and link what is known to all serious scientists about biophysically constrained viral latency from the anti-entropic virucidal of sunlight to the creation of RNA and cell type stability via phosphorylation. Cell type stability is energy-dependent and biophysically constrained by changes in the microRNA/messenger RNA balance, but now we see experimental evidence that the biophysical constraints are not linked to random events and the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by theorists.

Next, see: Phosphorylation-induced conformation of β2-adrenoceptor related to arrestin recruitment revealed by NMR

The phosphorylation-induced structures revealed in this study propose a conserved structural motif of GPCRs that enables β-arrestin to recognize dozens of GPCRs.

Link the energy-dependent creation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to all biodiversity via the claims from 1964 in:

Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

Also, see the claims in: Long-range coherence and energy storage in biological systems

Others have seen the latest experimental evidence on biophysically constrained energy storage coming, but they have remained relatively silent.

See for example: Socially responsive effects of brain oxidative metabolism on aggression

…honey bee colony-level social manipulations that decrease individual aggression attenuated the effects of oxidative phosphorylation inhibition on aggression, demonstrating a specific effect of the social environment on brain function. Because decreased neuronal oxidative phosphorylation is usually associated with brain disease, these findings provide a powerful context for understanding brain metabolic plasticity and naturally occurring behavioral plasticity.

Reported as: Angry bees: Insect aggression boosted by altering brain metabolism

In the context of the honeybee model organism, Institute for Genomic Biology director Gene Robinson claimed that:

When he and his colleagues looked at brain gene activity in honey bees after they had faced down an intruder, the team found that some metabolic genes were suppressed. These genes play a key role in the most efficient type of energy generation in cells, a process called oxidative phosphorylation.

It seems that he then became confused because the findings on the conserved molecular mechanisms were placed into the context of 300 million years of evolution that supposedly separated fruit flies and honey bees. Simply put, nothing known about the food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation made sense if only phosphorylation and the RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry are required to differentiate the cell types of the species in the context of their supercoiled DNA.

However, serious scientists no longer share all the views that Dozhansky (1973) expressed in Nothing in Biology Makes Any Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. 

It has become clear that the food energy-dependent RNA-mediated fixation of amino acid substitutions is linked from the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in bacteria to biophysically constrained cell type differentiation via chromosomal rearrangements that protect organize genomes from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA that links mutations to all pathology.  Indeed, that fact may explain why the President of the United States did not meet with the 2017 Nobel Prize Winners. The President seems to known that some or all of them are still lying about what is known to other serious scientists about energy-dependent RNA-mediated biodiversity.

See:  Trump Won’t Meet With U.S. Nobel Prize Winners. They’re Pretty O.K. With That

Frank was among the 2017 Nobel Prize winners class for his work in chemistry, recognized for helping launch a medical imaging effort [cryo-EM] credited with making it easier to picture the biomolecular building blocks of life.

That picture became clearer in the context of works published by Michael Rosbash, who shared the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

See: Feedback of the Drosophila period gene product on circadian cycling of its messenger RNA levels (1990)

The conserved molecular mechanisms of food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation began to be examined in the mid 1990’s by Rosbash and others, but any experimental evidence that refuted neo-Darwinian nonsense and “Big Bang” cosmology was ignored by Nobel Laureates like Joachim Frank. Why would President Donald Trump want to meet with scientists who are examples of human idiocy?

For example: Nobel Laureate, Richard P. Feynman placed nearly all physicists, chemists and biologists into his example of human idiocy. See: Food energy 

Some of the 2017 Nobel Laureates are ashamed that their ignorance has led to the unnecessary suffering and premature death of millions during the past two decades. They know that Trump realizes some Noble Prize winners are part of a “broken system” of science.

See: Science is broken

Perverse incentives and the misuse of quantitative metrics have undermined the integrity of scientific research

Trump’s priority is fixing the problems, not to welcome and/or  congratulate those who have caused the problems.

For a recent example, see:  Growing up on an Amish farm protects children against asthma by reprogramming immune cells (2016).

For comparison to what is known about immune system reprograming, all aspects of biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation, which protects all organized genomes from virus-driven entropy, were placed into the context of claims about evolved proteins in: A null mutation in SERPINE1 protects against biological aging in humans.

See for comparison the report: Amish gene mutation makes some live 10 years longer: study

The report in the journal Science Advances is the latest clue in a decade-plus search for the secrets to healthy aging in this traditional, Christian community that balks at most modern technology.

See also: What It Takes to Build a Hook for the Flagellum

…they are really talking about adaptation, not evolution. Nowhere do they describe how this extra-strong flagellum originated or how it evolved from another species.

Amino acid sequence variability in the central parts of FlgE proteins of C. jejuni strains was proposed to occur because of selection pressure during host invasion to generate variations in surface-exposed antigenic determinants. The variable regions do indeed correspond to the surface-exposed region of C. jejuni hook domains D3 and D4. The variability is tolerated because these regions are not essential for intra-molecular contacts that organize the hook.

Amino acid sequence variability ensures that fixation of nutrient energy-dependent RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions occurs in the context of the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction in all living genera.

In the context of attempts to discuss the weekend evolution of the bacterial flagellum on “The Battlefield” FB group, Larry Kisner Sr., and others realized that fluorescence was the obvious nutrient energy-dependent pheromone-controlled link from the molecular epigenetics of cell type differentiation in P. fluorescens to the fossil record via Mark Armitage‘s works.

I asked Mark Armitage to provide me with his slide(s), but realize how quickly others will stake their claim to the information. I explained that It links the nutrient energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in a bacteria to the energy-dependent fertilization that ultimately had to lead to lead to Christ’s energy-dependent weekend Resurrection to fulfill prophecy. I was banned before I could once again place energy as information into the context of everything known about physics, chemistry, and molecular biology. For example, it is obvious that nothing has changed since Biblical Genesis described the complexity of interactions in terms that people could understand thousands of years ago.
I fully expect that President Donald Trump has no interest in meeting with any Nobel Laureate who has helped to bastardize the works of all serious scientists since the years before Schrodinger’s claims were made in “What is Life?” (1944) and the subsequent claim by Roger Penrose (1991)
See also: Innate Immunity and Asthma Risk in Amish and Hutterite Farm Children
See also: Scents and Sensibility and Richard Axel’s 2005 Scents and Sensibility: A Molecular Logic of Olfactory Perception (Nobel Lecture) and Unraveling the sense of smell (Nobel lecture)
Keep in mind that food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled feedback loops are the only obvious source of ecological adaptation, because without food, organisms die. See for details: Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction

The flip side of personal genomics: When a mutation doesn’t spell disease

…geneticists don’t have an accurate understanding of how mutations behave in people who are not obviously sick. “This is a fascinating flashpoint in the field right now,” says Robert Green, a geneticist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. “Many people are deeply concerned that widespread screening of ostensibly healthy people could actually lead to harm.”

How could academics allow this to happen. Millions of dollars have been spent and billions of lives have been altered by the ignorance of theorists who never learned the difference between an energy-dependent RNA-mediated amino acid substitution and a mutation caused by the virus-driven theft of quantized information.

The anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight is the obvious key to healthy longevity in all human populations. The link from a population in Central China to the Amish population in Berne, Indiana was placed into the context of this invited review of nutritional epigenetics.

Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems

Naturally occuring energy-dependent base editing, microRNA editing,  and RNA editing were linked from fixation of a single amino acid substitution in the mouse model to the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction and epigenetically effected homologous changes in human morphological phenotypes.

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