Search Results for: "refutes theistic evolution"

Emily Witkin refutes theistic evolution

February 21, 2017 The SOS Response in Bacteria Her professor/advisor was Theodosius Dobzhansky. She watched as Barbara McClintock indirectly linked the tobacco mosaic virus from Thomas Hunt Morgan’s work on chromosomal inheritance, and she helped link virus-driven energy theft to all biodiversity via experimental evidence of DNA repair. Now that the structure and function of Emily Witkin refutes theistic evolution

Wikipedia refutes theistic evolution

RNA-Directed DNA Methylation Besides RNA molecules, a plethora of proteins are involved in the establishment of RdDM, like Argonautes, DNA methyltransferases, chromatin remodelling complexes and the plant-specific Polymerase IV and Polymerase V. All these act in concert to add a methyl-group at the 5′ position of cytosines. In contrast to animals, cytosines at all sequence Wikipedia refutes theistic evolution

RNA editing refutes theistic evolution

Charge-altering releasable transporters (CARTs) for the delivery and release of mRNA in living animals January 9, 2017 Reported February 19, 2017 as A new way Forward for Gene Therapy If you want an explanation of how mRNA works within a cell, check out the video above from the Khan Academy. Unfortunately, the speaker seems to RNA editing refutes theistic evolution

Francis S. Collins refutes theistic evolution

Criticisms of the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled evolutionary model Based on his writings, both published and unpublished, James Kohl presents an unsupported challenge to modern evolutionary theory and misrepresentations of established scientific terms and others’ research. — Andrew Jones, BA Editor’s note The 2013 review article by James Vaughn Kohl published in Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology and Francis S. Collins refutes theistic evolution

George Church refutes theistic evolution (3)

Fifty years of illumination about the natural levels of adaptation … George C. Williams developed in his 1966 book Adaptation and Natural Selection the essentials of a unifying theory of adaptation that remains robust today and has inspired immense progress in understanding how natural selection works. Light Could Propel Nanorobots on a “Fantastic Voyage” Through George Church refutes theistic evolution (3)

George Church refutes theistic evolution

Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series (WALS) – The future of genetic codes and BRAIN codes The NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series, colloquially known as WALS, is the highest-profile lecture program at the NIH. The future of genetic codes and BRAIN codes (video) My comment on the video: Biophysically constrained genetic codes are brain codes. They George Church refutes theistic evolution

Photonics in Forensics (4)

See first: Photonics in Forensics (3) MicroRNA 3′-compensatory pairing occurs through two binding modes, with affinity shaped by nucleotide identity and position 2/22/22 ….the two 3′-binding modes both appear to be compatible with either of the two gene-regulatory  processes that involve 3′ pairing—TDMD (target-directed miRNA degradation (TDMD) and miRNA-mediated repression. All metabolic disease processes are Photonics in Forensics (4)