
Biologically uninformed science idiot: Self-defense (2)

Summary: “Construction of automata” is the operative phrase. But you must be willing to believe that the automata create themselves outside the context of the creation of sunlight and light-activated endogenous substrates in all cell types of all living genera. Causation, constructors and codes A formal definition of codes in general, and organic codes in Biologically uninformed science idiot: Self-defense (2)

War Games: False Flag Terrorism

Sirius Cyantis (aka Sean Ovis) takes my claims about virus-driven energy theft and pathology outside the context of creationism.  Using his assumed name, he places them into the context of support for evolution. That’s an example of what happens on the “False Flag” Creationism FB group. In the context of combating evolution to fight disease, War Games: False Flag Terrorism

Molecular Diagnostics: What is unprotected life (4)

Pado, a fluorescent protein with proton channel activity can optically monitor membrane potential, intracellular pH, and map gap junctions Excerpt: Nature has developed a vast array of voltage-responsive proteins. To improve our ability to optimize the voltage sensitivity, kinetics, and signal size of GEVIs, an in silico search strategy was developed to identify potential voltage-sensing Molecular Diagnostics: What is unprotected life (4)

Mutisensory integration: watching the paradigm shift

Multisensory integration and causal inference in the brain Excerpt (with my emphasis):  It is largely unknown how the brain implements prior knowledge and expectations. Various mechanisms have been proposed such as spontaneous activity (Berkes et al., 2011), the fraction of neurons encoding a particular feature (Girshick et al., 2011), their response gain and tuning curves Mutisensory integration: watching the paradigm shift