
BiondVax Universal Flu Vaccine Patent

Summary: …the dream to create an effective universal flu vaccine to ultimately eradicate the flu is placed into the context of claims about changes to the virus. The changes are energy-dependent ecological adaptations. No one claims that the virus mutates or that it evolves. Only biologically uninformed theorists make such ridiculous claims. BiondVax Universal Flu BiondVax Universal Flu Vaccine Patent

Diet-driven RNA interference and cancer prevention (2)

See first: Diet-driven RNA interference and cancer prevention A RNA-Sequencing approach for the identification of novel long non-coding RNA biomarkers in colorectal cancer Our data highlight the capability of RNA-seq to discover novel lncRNAs involved in human carcinogenesis, which may serve as alternative biomarkers and/or molecular treatment targets. Like all other data, their data refutes Diet-driven RNA interference and cancer prevention (2)

The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls

For God and Country

Happy New Year! In 2018, serious scientists are prepared to help you prevent or effectively treat all pathology. We have nearly stopped the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by theorists — although some of them didn’t get the memo from 1968, which is when Frohlich published: Long-range coherence and energy storage in biological systems. He linked certain The “walking fish” walks straight from quantum physics to quantum souls

Two retractions of human idiocy

Excerpt: …she was interested in the PNAS research because it identified a potential inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus… ”Definitely embarrassing:” Nobel Laureate retracts non-reproducible paper in Nature journal 1) This retraction marks the second in six months for Nature Chemistry after having none for eight years. 2) In 2009, Szostak also retracted a 2008 Two retractions of human idiocy

Until death: Virus-driven failure of multisensory integration (1)

Martha McClintock‘s works inspired my works. Publication of “The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor Human Sexualty” (1995) led Denise Chen to study olfaction and pheromones. See for example: Encoding human sexual chemosensory cues in the orbitofrontal and fusiform cortices. Her student, Wen Zhou, returned to China and she is the senior author of Olfaction Until death: Virus-driven failure of multisensory integration (1)

Entertaining yourself to death

Lethal virus kills 5 billion people?

Summary: Food energy is required for the creation of enzymes that metabolize the food, which links the metabolism to the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in species from microbes to humans via alternative splicings of pre-mRNAs, which are now called microRNAs in more than 65,000 published works. The horrid tradjedy of of yet another preventable death Entertaining yourself to death

Thanks again for asking about DNA methylation

Re: RNA-directed DNA methylation (1996) See: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior Molecular epigenetics. It is now understood that certain genes undergo a process called “genomic or parental imprinting.” Early in embryonic development attached methyl groups become removed from most genes. Several days later, methyl groups are reattached in appropriate sites. Fascinatingly, some such genes Thanks again for asking about DNA methylation