RNA methylation

Masters of deception about nature

Masters of Physics in Nature Excerpt: This interaction raises the possibility that particle velocity information and electrical information, and interactions between them, can be encoded by a single hair.” It also raises the possibility that “electroreception is widespread in arthropods, fulfilling functions beyond the detection of floral electric fields. My comment: Energy-dependent microRNA flanking sequences Masters of deception about nature

The Mind’s Eyes (revisited)

Author’s copy: The Mind’s Eyes: Human pheromones, neuroscience, and male sexual preferences (2007) Abstract: The across-species genetic conservation of intercellular and extracellular chemical communication enables unicellular and multicellular organisms to functionally distinguish between self and non-self.  Non-self olfactory/pheromonal input from the social environment elicits a vertebrate neuroendocrine response.  The organization and activation of this neuroendocrine The Mind’s Eyes (revisited)

Cracking the Olfactory Code?

What a smell looks like Excerpt:  This experiment was created so scientists could study how animals and humans use smells to navigate their surroundings. That question forms the heart of a new $6.4 million project, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the White House Brain Initiative, called Cracking the Olfactory Code. My comment to Cracking the Olfactory Code?

RNA methylation, behavior, and disease

Epigenetics and Genetics of Viral Latency by Paul M. Lieberman (May 11, 2016)   My comment: Lieberman succinctly confirmed the fact that …viral latency is responsible for life-long pathogenesis and mortality risk… His simplistic conclusion also attests to the fact that there is no defined boundary between epigenetics and genetics. Epigenetic effects on metabolic networks must RNA methylation, behavior, and disease

Energy-dependent RNA methylation (6)

After I published Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model, Lynnette Ferguson and Justin O’Sullivan invited me to submit this review of nutritional epigenetics for inclusion in a special issue of the journal “Nutrients.” Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems (April 10, 2014) Abstract: This atoms to ecosystems model of ecological adaptations links nutrient-dependent epigenetic Energy-dependent RNA methylation (6)

Energy-dependent RNA methylation (2)

Energy-dependent RNA methylation (1) Conclusion: Until someone establishes a clear link from energy-dependent RNA methylation to behavior and publishes in a journal such as the Journal of Neuroscience, others may not examine other experimental evidence that clearly links viruses like the Zika virus to changes in morphological phenotypes and behavioral phenotypes via differences in energy-dependent Energy-dependent RNA methylation (2)

Secular humanism and ecoterrorism

Noncoding RNAs Not So Noncoding Excerpt: “Were there going to be dozens of [micropeptides]? Were there going to be hundreds, like there are hundreds of microRNAs?” says Ingolia. “We just didn’t know.” See also: Number of microRNAs in Human Genome Skyrockets Excerpt: “…researchers from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have released data that adds another Secular humanism and ecoterrorism