Human Pheromones

Did our adapted mind evolve?

What is currently know about neuroendocrine regulation clearly links ecological variation to ecological adaptations manifested in morphological and behavioral phenotypes via RNA-mediated events without the pseudoscientific nonsense of evolutionary theory. Evidence that biological facts about cause and effect make no difference to theorists shows up in what we can expect from conference presentations next year. Did our adapted mind evolve?

Behavior (3): All responses are RNA-mediated in bees

See: Honey bees as a model for understanding mechanisms of life history transitions. Excerpt: “In this review we discuss the physiological and genetic mechanisms of this behavioral transition, which include large scale changes in hormonal activity, metabolism, flight ability, circadian rhythms, sensory perception and processing, neural architecture, learning ability, memory and gene expression.” My comment: An Behavior (3): All responses are RNA-mediated in bees

Social experiences epigenetically effect gene networks

Networks of Genes Respond to Social Experiences October 13, 2013, from Searching for the Mind with Jon Lieff, M.D. Excerpt 1: “The gene networks of social experience are consistent through many animals.” My comment: Not just many animals; the gene networks of social experiences must be consistent in all animals that adaptively evolved. You cannot Social experiences epigenetically effect gene networks

The Quest for Human Pheromones by Karl Grammer

Slide presentation by the senior author of the award-winning review: Human pheromones: integrating neuroendocrinology and ethology (Kohl,, 2001) The epigenetic effects of human pheromones on our perception of human form integrates neuroendocrinolgy, and ethology. See for example: Kohl, J.V. (2012) Human pheromones and food odors: epigenetic influences on the socioaffective nature of evolved behaviors. The Quest for Human Pheromones by Karl Grammer

People select specific fragrances that suit their individual body odor

Our results indicate that people select specific perfumes that suit their individual body odor and they thus provide an insight into the highly individual nature of perfume choice.”
Individual body odor (i.e., pheromones) enhances appeal as does fragrance use. This is the concept of human pheromone-enhanced fragrances that I detailed in Human pheromones and food odors: epigenetic influences on the socioaffective nature of evolved behaviors.

Human Pheromones, DHEA and WHR

I have elsewhere attempted to partially detail the involvement of DHEA metabolism in the production of species-specific human pheromones, but these details remain speculative.