quorum sensing

From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (5)

From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (4) CRISPR Is Taking Over Science, Breaks Out Of Labs And Invades Schools (5/29/17) …used mathematical models to reveal that even in a uniform environment, metabolic competition generally leads to the steady coexistence of distinct microbes, collectively called a “consortium”. In a consortium, distinct microbes From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (5)

Food energy-dependent epigenetic adaptation (2)

Due to the overwhelming support for my model of top-down causation and all energy-dependent biophysically constrained biodiversity on Earth, I will replace Food energy-dependent epigenetic adaptation (2) with the more appropriately titled God’s shrinking role in your salvation See: Food energy-dependent epigenetic adaptation and God’s shrinking role in your salvation (in prep) before proceeding to Food energy-dependent epigenetic adaptation (2)

Energy as information and constrained endogenous RNA interference (4)

Premise: Sunlight is the energy as information that is required to link endogenous RNA interference to healthy longevity Counter claim:  The Quantum Thermodynamics Revolution: Information theory Understanding entropy as a subjective measure allows the universe as a whole to evolve without ever losing information. Precision Medicine virtual conference, Feburary 22-23, 2017 Title: Energy as information Energy as information and constrained endogenous RNA interference (4)

Virulence and your UTI

Nobody wants to belong to the party of losers. One of the best strategies in such a case is evidently an interpretation of the change as a gradual accumulation of knowledge while their work has always been at the cutting edge. — Kalevi Kull Virulence: Take on the role of a virus competing to infect Virulence and your UTI

Food for thought: Penrose v Ellis (1)

Food for thought.   The most popular ideas of atheists may still include hypothetical biogenic features that arrived from outer space. That’s how pseudoscientific nonsense appears to become a fact of life on Earth.   All experimental evidence of energy-dependent biologically-based cause and effect must be suppressed or ignored, and that’s what atheists prefer to Food for thought: Penrose v Ellis (1)