Patenting the sun (10)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: July 1, 2023

Slant 1997

“Nanotechnology has been perfected, giving humans the ability to change their environment and themselves down to the cellular level.”

Bear presciently linked our claims from The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality (1995/2002) and our claims in “From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996) from vibrational frequencies of DNA/RNA to all biodiversity on Earth via Vibrations in Microtubules (1997).

The facts from nearly 3 decades ago, linked light-activated carbon fixation in cyanobacteria from light-activated miRNA biogenesis to prevention of all virus-driven diseases. That fact would have become clearer in Towards microRNA therapeutics in cancer 6/29/23

However, the Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics reported that someone hacked their video feed.

Therefore, you are less likely to link the facts from

1) Fanzor is a eukaryotic programmable RNA-guided endonuclease 6/28/23 and

2) Plants perform quantum mechanics feats that scientists can only do at ultra-cold temperatures 6/22/23 to the fact that

3) RNA-guided endonucleases are present in all three domains of life via Octopuses’ stripes are unique, like our fingerprints 4/12/23

But see:

4) Yeast biopanning against site-specific phosphorylations in tau 6/20/23, which is embargoed until 6/20/24, or see

5) the preprint Yeast biopanning for detecting antibody binding to site-specific phosphorylations in tau 1/18/22

“Phosphorylation patterns of the microtubule-associated protein tau is a prominent example, for which association with neurodegenerative diseases has been extensively documented.”

The link from oxidative phosphoryation to prevention of virus-driven neurodegenerative diseases has also been extensively documented in the context of gut-microbe interactions and Regulatory context drives conservation of glycine riboswitch aptamers 12/20/19 and Microbial coexistence through chemical-mediated interactions 5/3/19

You can link the pheromone-regulated genetic processes of reproduction in microbes to the pheromone-regulated genetic processes of human reproduction via Characterization of nucleic acids from extracellular vesicle-enriched human sweat 6/9/21.

However, you must be careful to avoid the trap set by theorists who express their moronic theories in articles such as: Conserved microRNAs and Flipons Shape Gene Expression during Development by Altering Promoter Conformations 3/3/23

“…alternative nucleic acid structures encoded by flipons influence the readout of genetic programs from DNA. Here, we provide evidence that miR- and flipon-based mechanisms are deeply connected.”

“Regulation of flipon conformation by c-miR is one way to control expression during embryogenesis that does not rely on the production of sequence-specific transcription protein factors.”

“The identification of c-miR that are master regulators of other miR will enable the development of therapeutics with large effect sizes. It is likely that small RNAs regulate formation of all non-B-DNA structures.”

For experimental evidence of how deeply connected the nonsense about miRNA-mediated flipon-based mechanisms is to all virus-driven diseases across kingdoms, see.

mirnas and archaea 42 results
miRNAs and prokaryotes 112 results
mirnas and eukaryotes 133,371 results

mirnas and cancer 75,967 results

See also:

Z-flipon variants reveal the many roles of Z-DNA and Z-RNA in health and disease 6/3/23 Now that you know about flipon-based mechanisms, learn how to flip them off via sunlight, humidity, pH-dependent stem cell Creation and RNA-mediated call type differentiation. Be the polymath.

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