EDAR V370A and sympatric speciation
Nick Lane and others like him refuse to reappraise their human mitochondrial DNA recombination dogma. All serious scientists know where the energy for recombination comes from. But, in his latest video clip, he touts the same unsubstantiated theoretical pseudoscientific nonsense.
See the: Aeon Video:
Life on earth – from mushrooms to humans and everything in between – seems enormously diverse. At the cellular level, however, almost all complex lifeforms are surprisingly similar. Why life is this way, though, remains mysterious. In this Aeon interview, the UK biochemist and author Nick Lane discusses his research on the connection between energy and genes, which, he hypothesises, made possible the radical transformation from single-celled organisms to complex life about 4 billion years ago.
See for comparison: Reappraising the human mitochondrial DNA recombination dogma
I’ve asked the authors: Are you prepared to address the comments that you might receive from people like Nick Lane in the context of “peer review?” How will you respond to those who do not accept the fact that the creation of ATP synthase and the creation of ATP must be linked to the creation of RNA and biophysically constrained viral latency in the context of SNPs and fixation of amino acid substitutions? What can be done when biologically uninformed theorists continue to link anything except biophysically constrained viral latency to all biodiversity?
I ask because there are still too many examples of human idiocy that are being considered outside the context of facts about energy-dependent RNA-mediated cell type differentiation.
See: Modeling Recent Human Evolution in Mice by Expression of a Selected EDAR Variant
See the claims about the selection of the EDAR variant placed back into the context of evolution.
Field-deployable viral diagnostics using CRISPR-Cas13
…we report the rapid (<1 week) design and testing of instrument-free assays to detect clinically relevant viral single-nucleotide polymorphisms.
The relevant energy-dependent single-nucleotide polymorphisms clearly protect all living genera from the clinically relevant viral single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The viral single-nucleotide polymorphisms link the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to all pathology via what is known to all serious scientists about the energy-dependent creation of the innate immune system in species from bacteria to humans.
The frequency of the human-specific EDAR V370A allele appears to be uniquely elevated in North and East Asian and New World populations due to a bout of positive selection likely to have occurred circa 20,000 y ago.
If any experimental evidence of biophysically constrained viral latency supported the claim about positive selection 20,000 y ago, it could be linked to Nick Lane’s claims about how chimeras and electricity allowed a sterile planet to give way to complex life 4 billion years ago. Since there is no experimental evidence to support his ridiculous theories, intelligent people may want to continue to link environmental selection from food selection to the physiology of reproduction and fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions such as V370A that stabilize the organized genomes of all species on Earth.